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Park City Fun! |
The Monday after school got out, the 4th of June we went up to Park City to have a mini-vacation with Taran. As much I would have liked a more elaborate trip like Bryce Canyon or Moab...this what worked out best time and money wise. It was actually super fun we did the alpine slide and coaster. Then headed to the outlet boys looked at athletic gear and girls looked at clothes. Then Tim took them all back to the hotel to swim while I got to look around and things no one else cared about! It was very relaxing then I walked back to the hotel. We went to dinner at...Wendy's! Taran made up a list of things he wanted to do before he left and eating a Baconator was on it. The kids were thrilled to eat out! Tim and Emily chose Subway instead--wish I had because my salad at Wendy's wasn't that great. After that we went back to the hotel and the guys watched the NBA play-offs (we don't normally get that channel so it was a treat) and the little kids, Emily and I watched Diary of a Wimpey Kid and Harry Potter 7--only part of both which were showing on random channels we don't get. It was great to just relax as a family.
In the morning we had a great breakfast at the hotel! It was a hot breakfast buffet. Then Tim took them swimming and also played Ping Pong with Timo. I ironed clothes for
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Enjoying Salt Lake City |
Timo and Taran for the temple. We went to Salt Lake and met up with my mom who did a live session with Taran and then Emily and Timo did baptisms. Tim and I took the little kids around Temple Square, top of the church office building and Joseph Smith Memorial Building. We had great views from those buildings. Timo and Emily weren't long so they went back to the van to change. They met up with us at the South Visitors Center. Very cool model of the temple there with a cut out section to show what the rooms look like. We had lunch at City Creek. Then we milled around the mall but it was breezy so not super comfortable. Taran met up with us at Blue Lemon and my mom headed to Idaho for a reunion meeting the next day. We got Taran some food then headed to the Planetarium. Unfortunately not many options for shows were left that we were interested in so we checked out all the free exhibit stuff and then headed home. We ate out at a new place called Culver's a hamburger type place with frozen custard. The kids were happy with that and we catch the end a of another NBA play off game! Wednesday I needed to watch my dad during the day while my mom was in Idaho so we picked up June and headed out there. Micah and Gwen came with and were a great help. Tim took them and June home when he was going home and I stayed with my dad until my mom was close to getting back. I had YW Camp Clinic that night so I had to be home by 6:30 PM to help set up. I made it. Actually they didn't really need me in the end but I was there.
Thursday Izak had his scout camp physical. He has a slight heart murmur the doctor wants checked. That night Tim and I visited his sister who had lost her baby. We were very sorry to hear of her loss for her and her family.
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Trafalga, last Saturday with Taran |
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Farewell/Open House |
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Week Taran went into MTC: Saying good bye, setting apart... |
Monday Izak left for Scout Camp, there were tears when Taran said goodbye to him. He was really emotional. Izak ended up having a great time so it was fine in the end. Taran ran errands that afternoon and got his haircut. We played kick ball and a lesson by Zane, he had made at scouts about Joseph Smith. Some of Taran's friends came over to say good bye, he went to a family's home who couldn't come to the open house and said good bye. They gave him a very generous donation to his mission.
Tuesday Taran had his last dental check up. After I had a YW meeting. Meanwhile Taran watched the newest Sherlock Homes which we love and Tim bought when he got milk early that morning! Taran went to the temple with his friend Andrew later. They jammed on their guitars for the last time for 2 years! That night Taran had his setting apart to become missionary. The grandparents joined us for that. It was really nice. After he was set apart they had him bare his testimony. That was touching. Even Timo was emotional about that. We had pizza for dinner and then we went to Orange Leaf with Taran's friend Andrew (he leaves next month).
Wednesday was the BIG day! Taran said good bye to Timo who was leaving for scout camp at 9 AM. It was emotional but not too much. Taran took Andrew out for breakfast (it was his birthday). I should have taken their picture because they looked like 2 missionaries! He wore his suit even though Andrew isn't set apart yet. Micah had scouts that morning. Taran spent his last hour and half watching these videos about being a missionary that he was suppose to watch before he came to the MTC! The kids enjoyed watching them with him as you can see in the collage! We left later than we thought we would so Erika our niece met us at the Creamery and we had a last ice cream with Taran. We like to console ourselves with food:) Then we went up to a park near the MTC and below the Provo Temple. We took the photos in the collage and said our final good byes. We all cried but Gwen. She was sad but not as sad as she was when we dropped him off at BYU. Zane cried the most and even cried that night. He ran to the car and cried there for awhile, alone. Then we drove to the MTC. We drove up and they didn't quick whisk him away as we had heard they do--may depend on your escort. Tim and I got out. I hugged him one last time and then took a photo of him with his escort and that was it. We dropped my niece Erika off at her car and then I dropped Tim and the 3 littlest off at Seven Peaks (they changed in the car). Emily and I went to my moms to pick up some stuff for YW that night. Then we went to Jo Anne's for some other supplies. By then we needed to pick them up. That night at YW we made Virtue banners (see collage Emily's hung above her window). We had material donated or you could bring your own if you cared about what it was. We are hanging these all over our campsite then the girls will bring them home after camp to keep. The girls really were into it, we weren't sure how they would like it. Some people were surprised I was there, I was fine overall. I did get emotional talking about my kids saying goodbye.
Thursday my Visiting Teachers took me out to Orange Leaf, to console me. We had nice visit. Then I had a PTA meeting after that. I am not sure when that ended but it was mid-afternoon. I had friends drop by with treats and notes telling me they were thinking of me! So sweet! I have the best friends/neighbors! Emily played night games with friends that night. I was hoping for a date with Tim but he went to scout camp to check out Izak and accompanied the Bishopric. Izak was doing well. He wasn't up to sharing his testimony because of his emotions. I packed up most of Taran's stuff--I thought. Still finding things!
Friday, I took Micah, Zane and Gwen to see the Lorax at the dollar movies. It was actually better than I thought it would be. We checked on my mom for awhile on our way back because she had had vein surgery that morning. Tim helped me put Timo and Izak's beds back together. I had washed their bedding and moved Izak's stuff back down to their room (Taran took over when he moved back). I wanted it all ready when they got home from scout camp--I knew they would be tired.
Saturday, I was just leaving to take a box of stuff Taran had forgotten (his reading glasses, his consecrated oil...) before 10 AM when they take it to the MTC for $2, when Izak walks in! He was happy and healthy. Yeah! Tim took Micah to his first Lacrosse (LAX) game--he scored 5 goals? Izak showered and then he, and Emily took Zane and Gwen to the Cedar Hills Parade. We did chores once I was home. Tim gave us the great news that Taran had sent his first email! YEAH! It was fun. He is having a great experience! Tim took the kids to the Family Festival and I ran some errands and cleaned house. Timo got home late afternoon. He had a great experience at scout camp it was a mission prep camp with whitewater rafting and repelling in Wyoming. Pretty cool! He showered and put his stuff away then went to the Family Festival with friends. We had a quiet dinner BBQ then ice ream and watched the fireworks. Taran's friend Stephanie came by with Thor the movie she had borrowed. We had a nice chat then sent the kiddos to bed. No big gathering this year we just had the big shindig the week before this was all we could handle this year!
So I will quit here and try to get last week up-to-date soon. I am sure no one is holding their breath about it!:)