So I never finished posting about last week! Crazy busy days! This will be a jumbled out of order post! Just as we have finished indoor soccer and basketball Izak, Zane and Gwen started swimming lessons. They are doing it at a lady's indoor pool. Izak can swim he is just lacking confidence so he should be good after one session for scout stuff! Gwen and Zane can swim they just aren't deep end ready yet so this should also help. Izak also started soccer practice this week and the other kids start this coming week.
Tim and I got to go to BYU and watch Taran and his roommates and friends in on of their water polo games--on inter tubes! It was so fun, and funny! It was late so we didn't bring the other kids. We stopped to get hot chocolate at Mc Donalds and they were out. So we saw that they had Shamrock Shakes, it was March 1st! And they said that they were done with those for the YEAR! Oh my we laughed 'til we cried after Tim told them it is March 1st and St. Patrick's Day is still some days away. We went to another Mc Donalds that was on the same road but different town and thought let's see what they say! We actually got Shamrock Shakes and I don't remember them tasting as good as this one did! We had had great weather, spring worthy but that night it was snowy and cold. We were glad to make it home safe!
I was in charge of our Personal Progress Nights we are having this year on the 5th Wednesdays. The leaders meet with the girls individually and we have pancakes with a lot of toppings for them to put on them. We even made gluten free ones--we have a few that have Celiac. I had some of the older girls who have their medallion help with the set up and cooking. We also had our camp leaders there teaching the girls knitting for their camp project they have to make something to give away and since our theme is Modern Girls Vintage Values they thought it would be fun to teach them to knit this helped keep them busy when they were done eating and waiting to meet with a leader. The girls had a lot of fun and told me how much they loved it. We used and IHOP theme I mentioned last week so I used those colors for decor, girls appreciate that effort which is gratifying! We are going to keep that as our theme for each night we have the rest of the year--why reinvent it if they loved it!
We had the Blue & Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts and it was Cowboy Themed. It was darling the set up! We had a lot of fun and Zane got his Bobcat. Micah moved into WEBELOS. They showed a slide show of the year so that was pretty fun to watch. We had to make a cake for it that was decorated in a western theme. So for FHE we had 2 cakes one group decorated a strawberry one (made a flower pattern Izak and TImo weren't thrilled) and the cubs and dad decorated the chocolate one. It was Cowboy and Indians against the gummy bears--my idea. I know I am the mother of 5 boys! Lots of boys wanted it at the banquet which surprised me since there were so many cakes that looked MUCH better!
After the Personal Progress Night (I told you I was going to be all over the place!) was the Court of Honor--we had ours early so leaders and sisters could watch their sons/brothers. Izak got to carry the flag. The deacon scouts had a slide show that was fun to watch. Good times ahead for Izak!
Friday was Dr. Seuss' birthday so we had green eggs and ham! It was a hit! Gwen got t-shirt from a girl in her preschool that had the Cat in the Hat on it. Pretty nice birthday favor for her class!
My mom took Izak out to lunch for his birthday and got him a fancy soccer ball. He is loving it!

The collage above is the gathering we had last Sunday with the Pewside for 3 months of birthdays. Taran was able to come so everyone who lives here was there! It was a super fun time, of course!

This is a collage of Izak's birthday celebrating. He turned 12! He had cereal for his special breakfast, I bought him a special lunch and he wanted Panda Express for dinner. I made him a Reeses Trifle I found on Pinterest. Super rich and yummy! He didn't get a ton of gifts because he went to space camp for his party and got the largest ship. But his friends were generous so he didn't feel like he didn't get much plus what he got from the family on Sunday. I made the space campers rockets out of candy--it turned out better than it looks and Tim and I made t-shirts with tape and spray paint with the ship name Magellan on the front. I took photos of them with him but forgot to include one in the collage. The boys loved them and all wore them to school the same day.

Thursday night Tim and I went to a movie--sort of a pre-birthday fun! It was the Mission Impossible 4--the one we tried to see on Valentine's Day. We had some passes so it only cost us concessions. It was really good if you like those kind of movies. Friday was his birthday we also had favorite cereal for him as well. He went to lunch with Emily since it was lunch with parents day they do once a term. She always wants him to go so he did. He worked from home after that. Timo had a 'camp out' at a cabin for all the guys his age and their leaders they plan activities. So he missed dinner. My parents brought Taran and Tim's parents came too for dinner. We had hamburgers--the sunny weather makes it seem like BBQ season! Tim grilled and I got the other food ready. He wanted to make it easy and chose Costco Chocolate cake for his dessert. Only asked for Johnny English 2 for his birthday--he has some DIY things he wants to put his b-day money towards. So after the grandparents left we watched it. It was pretty funny!
Yesterday was another beautiful day. Tim put an amplifier on our new antennae. We also took our tramp pad off to see if it's worth fixing. We have just barely had it over it's warranty and the loops for the springs are ripping!. Zane and Gwen and I cleaned out all the balls that were under it after Tim removed it! WOW! I also threw out all the garbage. WOW! Amazing what blows under there!
Izak and Emily had friends here most of the day. We had about 20 extra kids in and out. They left when we went to stake conference. Timo had Spring Fling a girl's choice casual dance.

Today Izak is getting ordained to be a deacon. We are waiting for Taran to get here. Unfortunately I think only my mom will make it of the grandparents and maybe my sister since we didn't know for sure when it was going to take place until just before Stake Conference.
Some other things that have happened: Gwen had her check up and got her infamous Kindergarten shots! She did super well! Taran's passport came and we got it mailed with his VISA application. Unfortunately I noticed AFTER I mailed it I noticed a couple of things we/I did wrong. I could really complain about the way this was done which made us make these mistakes but I am going to leave my whining to a minimum. Unfortunately it could push back Taran's MTC date 6 weeks if it doesn't go through. Timo had a choir concert and it was really good.
We also had the typical piano, scouts and homework stuff. Have a great week! Hope it's as nice as our weekend!
1 comment:
Keep sharing the things you do in YW...I always need ideas! :)
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