I lost my camera after our Court of Honor this week. This will make this post less interesting for sure! So what we did...
Monday I went to my mom's in the morning. She didn't go anywhere except a walk so I helped her around the house. Gwen had pre-Irish dance class right after. She is still enjoying it. I took Izak and his friend Blake swimming right after school and we worked on some of the BSA swimming requirements. They can both swim but lack confidence so we did not get as much done as I had hoped. All our other scouts have passed the swimming off so I only needed to take them. Izak has started working on exercises that strengthen your upper body to help him have more strength and stamina. We had a short FHE, Timo was in charge so he was at a loss for ideas since he always wants to go to Trafalga mini-golfing and that was not going to work with the timing.
Tuesday I went to the temple that morning before doing my big grocery shopping for the week. I also got to exercise all while Gwen was at preschool and then at her friend Luke's afterward. That night Izak had a soccer game and Zane had soccer practice. I dropped Zane off and went to Izak's game. They were well matched with this team so it was a close win 2-1.
Wednesday it was my turn to take the kids to preschool. After preschool Gwen and I ran something down to Taran before we went to my mom's. It was my mom's birthday so I took her to lunch while Tim watched Gwen and my dad. Tim's work is close to my parents'. We went to this yummy Mexican food place--authentic stuff. We had a nice visit. That afternoon after helping with homework, I had to make cookies for the Court of Honor. Our scouts did the flag and did a good job. It was fun also because they showed slideshows of all the scout camps over the summer. I took photos of my scouts doing the flag and I thought I had brought it home with me but I did help put chairs away so I may have put it down then. Meanwhile Tim was at Micah's soccer game which they won. Emily went to a football game for the boys her age with some friends after young womens. They had a lot of fun, Tim picked them up when it was over.
Thursday I drove again to preschool and then Luke was here after until 2 PM. They play well together so it was fun. I tried to get some stuff done around here so I did not take them anywhere. Gwen had a soccer game that night and I had Roundtable. So Tim took everyone to that. Timo taught a guy in our ward who is preparing for re-baptism with another Priest in the ward. I love that they get to do this!
Friday Gwen and I had to run to the high school to get DVDs from Taran's choir. Then Zoe came over then we went to watch baby June. Anna ran an errand and we took June to the park. She mostly slept the whole time. They played on the playground and I also pushed them in the swing sometimes. There was a 2 year old boy there for a little bit and after he left a 4 yr old boy and his younger brother came and played. They were a little shy with them, I tried to get them to play with him. They were really good and after we got back to Anna's I had to change June 3 times before I could get her bottle ready. She is just the sweetest thing. We dropped Zoe off at a neighbor's (her parents got to go to the Ole Miss vs BYU game in Mississippi) where she was staying. Gwen and I had lunch and read books. I was exhausted and fell asleep after 2 stories! We got ready to go to Seven Peaks for one last time. We picked up Tim on our way. Erin, our niece, met up with us there with one of her companions from her mission--she is from Hong Kong and going to the ESL program at BYU. Timo had to work and Taran didn't get my message. Apparently an apartment of girls had them over for dinner that night! He is having fun, not getting a ton of sleep though! We had fun at Seven Peaks but didn't stay until closing at 8 PM. We stopped at Macey's for ice cream per our tradition. Then we headed home. I 'made' frozen pizza for dinner which ended up being after 8 PM! The kids wanted to watch a movie until they fell asleep. So we let them.
Saturday morning I got up early to go to Swiss Days with my sister, mom and 2 sister-in-laws. My brother Keith watched my dad while we were gone. It was fun but was way more busy than last year even though we were there early. Teresa dropped me off at Tim's car we had left at work the night before. I ran errands that I had in that part of town. Meanwhile Tim took the kids (minus Timo) to watch the BYU vs. Ole Miss game at his parents'. Timo went to a friend's. Taran and his roommates went to one of his roommates sister's house to watch the game. Luckily BYU pulled out a win after a slow start! I ended up being done about when the game was over so I didn't make it to Tim's parents'. His brother and wife are down here for their granddaughter's blessing--baby June! Tim and I went to a wedding reception for the daughter of a lady I visit teach. It was a beautiful reception! The food was great too. They had it at a newly renovated building an old church converted into a reception center. The bride was stunning and my friend was holding up well. It was her youngest daughter, who just got home from her mission on Christmas, and she battled breast cancer while her daughter was gone. I am sure a very emotional day! We saw lots of neighbors there as well. When we got back I wrote letters to the missionaries and Taran's friend who is in basic training for the National Guard. Tim watched the rebroadcast of the Ole Miss game and I watched some then fell asleep!
Long productive day! It's nice to be able to run around and get some things done that I can't when I have little people with me!
Today is June's baby blessing and my mom is lending me her camera and some other things for the gathering afterward. Tim and the kids went to choir already and Timo will be the only one at church since he needs to help with the lesson in priesthood. I am glad he feels responsible, too bad he doesn't take notice of when things are happening:) He will join us later. I may add some photos to the end of this post if I can! I am grateful for the opportunity to spend time with family and to rejoice in the blessings of the gospel. Taran will not join us since his ward holds a "Break the Fast Dinner" provided by their bishopric during that same time. I want him to bond with his ward. He is going to his roommate Nic's cabin after the dinner and will get back Monday evening so we probably won't see him at the Louw gathering tomorrow. Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope it's great day for you!
I found my camera--according to the camera Gwen took a bunch of photos of me Thursday while I was sleeping! She put it away in my nightstand! Here are some photos from today!
I think you should post some of the pics Gwen took of you sleeping! :) Glad you found the camera.
Yes, I'd like to see those pictures too! I laughed so hard when I read that!
So great that Timo is getting a chance to do some missionary work! Scott has gone to teach with the Elders here several times; he loves it--I'm so glad he's getting the chance to do that!
how did i miss this one?
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