So here we are at another week...the big news is that Taran finally received his Eagle scout award after finishing his project in 2009! It was fun for him to get it with 3 other boys he has grown up with here in the neighborhood, his good friends. He really did not want to have a ceremony but they really like the young men who receive their Eagle to be examples to the younger scouts. So doing it with his friends made it less painful of an evening! It was so nice to have family here to celebrate besides his family his grandparents, cousins Erin and Anna and her husband Buck who got to sit in the Eagles nest and Aunt Teresa. We know that others were thinking of us but had other obligations which we totally understand why they couldn't come.
Other big events: Emily won at the Junior High Science Fair and will go on to the district level in March. That was kind of a funny story. She didn't realize what was going on that night since they were judged during school. She mentioned to me that afternoon "I think there is something tonight for it." I questioned her since I had gotten an email about it but wasn't remembering that. So after dinner and baths I went on the computer to check the email and it said that awards would be given out at 7 PM. It was 6:57! I went upstairs and told her and she said, "I think I should go. I had woke up with a cold that day and felt nasty, I had a must go to meeting at 8 PM later and I was not ready. Timo had a basketball game so he was gone with the kid car. Tim was on his way to a meeting from Timo's game. So she begged Taran to take her so he dropped her off and she said that she'd get a ride home. She walked in the door about 20 minutes after Taran! She said that she had walked in and they called her name so she kept on walking! Perfect timing!
The meeting I went to was for Taran's Chamber Choir Tour to NYC. If you are new to our blog their choir was invited to be part of a Carnegie Hall Choir Festival and they are also a featured choir. Taran has been working hard at his job and at raising money to go. He has all his money between the two and we have had little to put out. My friend Julie who I do scouts with has a son Breton who received his Eagle with Taran, and he is also in the Chamber Choir as well...she works for Jetblue. Anyway, she has been begging me to go with as unofficial chaperons--to go as a chaperon is over a thousand dollars and the hotel doesn't even give you breakfast! Anyway, she would let me pay for a buddy pass and we would share a hotel that does have breakfast! I have asked Tim and he figured out that it wouldn't kill us if I went. Taran really wanted one of us to go and since it would be less awkward for me to share a room with her than him...I really wish Tim could go since he has never been to NYC other than flying through on his mission. I was there in 1985 after I graduated! So I am so excited even though I will miss Tim and possibly my kids;) At the meeting we found out more info about the tour. The kids don't have a ton of free time but enough to enjoy NYC over 5 days!
Other happenings...piano lessons, scouts, Jr Jazz for Micah, Izak and Emily games and practices. I got to go to the temple which was really nice.
We had a huge snowstorm Tuesday while I was out getting stuff at the Scout store it was scary I barely made it anywhere. My mom helped me sew merit badge patches and stuff on the boys' sashes. Luckily by the time I was going to leave the sun came out and I could drive safely. But thank goodness for mom and her help! She also helped me take in my scout shirt and various other scout stuff!
BYU had an amazing basketball game against San Diego State and then a not so impressive game against New Mexico but I think the kids are all still Jimmer fans! Tim watched the game at his parents after the Eagle Court!
Tim and I went out for dinner Friday, we used a gift certificate his sister had given me for my birthday. A couple from our ward was there and so we ate with them. That was fun!
Friday, Taran and Timo went to a sweet cabin above Heber a family in our ward owns. The family is generous to let the Priests go there with their leaders to plan their scout camp and activities for the year. But they didn't get much sleep.
Saturday I got to meet up with a gal that lived in our neighborhood, a bunch of us had lunch together. That was really fun to visit with her!
Gwen and Micah had parties this past week and Zane has one this week...
The first grade has a 100 book reading program--they get a t-shirt once they have read 100 books. They have small incentives along the way as well. He read 20 books this past week.
Next hurdle is getting Taran to apply for various scholarships...deadlines are coming and these take time! He plans to attend BYU even though he would get more scholarship money at other places. Our neighbor told us her son got the four year full tuition and books with the same ACT as Taran! What a difference 8 years makes!
Have a great week..February! Oh and here is a website I found with cute decor for Valentine's Day you can make yourself--if you have time! HEART FELT WREATH
The Eagle Court was awesome!!! Loved starting "our" scout experience off on that note.
thanks steph!
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