The life and times of our family as we face the ups and downs sometimes muddling is all we can do, and that is okay!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Eagle Scout Award, Science Fair and things...

So here we are at another week...the big news is that Taran finally received his Eagle scout award after finishing his project in 2009! It was fun for him to get it with 3 other boys he has grown up with here in the neighborhood, his good friends. He really did not want to have a ceremony but they really like the young men who receive their Eagle to be examples to the younger scouts. So doing it with his friends made it less painful of an evening! It was so nice to have family here to celebrate besides his family his grandparents, cousins Erin and Anna and her husband Buck who got to sit in the Eagles nest and Aunt Teresa. We know that others were thinking of us but had other obligations which we totally understand why they couldn't come.
Other big events: Emily won at the Junior High Science Fair and will go on to the district level in March. That was kind of a funny story. She didn't realize what was going on that night since they were judged during school. She mentioned to me that afternoon "I think there is something tonight for it." I questioned her since I had gotten an email about it but wasn't remembering that. So after dinner and baths I went on the computer to check the email and it said that awards would be given out at 7 PM. It was 6:57! I went upstairs and told her and she said, "I think I should go. I had woke up with a cold that day and felt nasty, I had a must go to meeting at 8 PM later and I was not ready. Timo had a basketball game so he was gone with the kid car. Tim was on his way to a meeting from Timo's game. So she begged Taran to take her so he dropped her off and she said that she'd get a ride home. She walked in the door about 20 minutes after Taran! She said that she had walked in and they called her name so she kept on walking! Perfect timing!
The meeting I went to was for Taran's Chamber Choir Tour to NYC. If you are new to our blog their choir was invited to be part of a Carnegie Hall Choir Festival and they are also a featured choir. Taran has been working hard at his job and at raising money to go. He has all his money between the two and we have had little to put out. My friend Julie who I do scouts with has a son Breton who received his Eagle with Taran, and he is also in the Chamber Choir as well...she works for Jetblue. Anyway, she has been begging me to go with as unofficial chaperons--to go as a chaperon is over a thousand dollars and the hotel doesn't even give you breakfast! Anyway, she would let me pay for a buddy pass and we would share a hotel that does have breakfast! I have asked Tim and he figured out that it wouldn't kill us if I went. Taran really wanted one of us to go and since it would be less awkward for me to share a room with her than him...I really wish Tim could go since he has never been to NYC other than flying through on his mission. I was there in 1985 after I graduated! So I am so excited even though I will miss Tim and possibly my kids;) At the meeting we found out more info about the tour. The kids don't have a ton of free time but enough to enjoy NYC over 5 days!
Other happenings...piano lessons, scouts, Jr Jazz for Micah, Izak and Emily games and practices. I got to go to the temple which was really nice.
We had a huge snowstorm Tuesday while I was out getting stuff at the Scout store it was scary I barely made it anywhere. My mom helped me sew merit badge patches and stuff on the boys' sashes. Luckily by the time I was going to leave the sun came out and I could drive safely. But thank goodness for mom and her help! She also helped me take in my scout shirt and various other scout stuff!
BYU had an amazing basketball game against San Diego State and then a not so impressive game against New Mexico but I think the kids are all still Jimmer fans! Tim watched the game at his parents after the Eagle Court!
Tim and I went out for dinner Friday, we used a gift certificate his sister had given me for my birthday. A couple from our ward was there and so we ate with them. That was fun!
Friday, Taran and Timo went to a sweet cabin above Heber a family in our ward owns. The family is generous to let the Priests go there with their leaders to plan their scout camp and activities for the year. But they didn't get much sleep.
Saturday I got to meet up with a gal that lived in our neighborhood, a bunch of us had lunch together. That was really fun to visit with her!
Gwen and Micah had parties this past week and Zane has one this week...
The first grade has a 100 book reading program--they get a t-shirt once they have read 100 books. They have small incentives along the way as well. He read 20 books this past week.
Next hurdle is getting Taran to apply for various scholarships...deadlines are coming and these take time! He plans to attend BYU even though he would get more scholarship money at other places. Our neighbor told us her son got the four year full tuition and books with the same ACT as Taran! What a difference 8 years makes!
Have a great week..February! Oh and here is a website I found with cute decor for Valentine's Day you can make yourself--if you have time! HEART FELT WREATH
Friday, January 28, 2011
Freedom Friday
Here is an article about the debt limit our congress needs to decide if they are going to raise it or keep it...I don't know about you but I am concerned about the national debt. We are looking at the death of the dollar and inflation. I feel like I can barely feed my family as it is, we may be on crackers and peanut butter by the end of the year. We are headed for difficult times NO MATTER what BUT we can just make it worse by spending ourselves into oblivion or take our medicine now and tighten our belts and do better. Daily I hear about the waste that goes on with government spending. It is shameful. We all have a hand in the blame, I admit I was just living life and not worrying about what was going on. Well, not anymore and I hope we can put the pressure on our congress to stop spending, cut spending and manage what they do get a lot better! Check out this article and more about how we cut government spending.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Preference and other happenings...

I am not going to give a full break down of this week, I am too tired! But I am posting photos from Preference--it's a girls choice dance but formal like the prom. Taran and Timo had a lot of fun. We had to rent tuxedos and order corsages. I also worked on stuff for Taran's Eagle Court of Honor which we found out last Sunday that it was happening for sure. Luckily there are 3 other boys doing it as well so other moms are helping out. So next week that will be the highlight.
Zane had a cough so he went to school every other day. We have had cold weather and I didn't want him to get worse so I would keep him home. We had the usual Jr Jazz games and practices, piano, homework projects...lots of scout stuff 3 hours of it...
We watched 2 movies: Guardians of G'houle (?) which the kids really liked (I only saw a little of it) and Letters to Juliet was really cute, both on Clearplay...
We went to some friends' on Friday night and played games and had cheese fondue it was loads of fun!
Tim was very productive and killed a mouse and fixed the garage door opener!
We have had beautiful sunshine but very cold days! I wore flip flops because it seemed like spring! Have a super week!
PS Aren't my boys so handsome with their pretty dates???
Friday, January 21, 2011
Freedom Friday last minute post
Here is a great article about a way we can solve some of the funding problems we are having with government employee pension plans. Way to go Utah in leading the way!
Monday, January 17, 2011
My dad's 75th birthday...Jr Jazz basketball...concert in the Tabernacle

So I didn't get around to writing on Friday. I have meant to address the Arizona shootings. I have been saddened how people reacted to the situation. Pointing fingers at Sarah Pallin? Tea party people and such. What is that? Are we on a witch hunt folks? Come on...this is craziness. I heard that one of his friends was interviewed by Good Morning America on Thursday or Friday and he said that this guy didn't listen to talk radio and didn't watch TV. He was a very disturbed young man that unfortunately was not getting the mental health help he needed before he hurt others. Apparently he had been taken in to police several times and was kicked out of his JC. I feel terrible for his family they must feel horrible. I feel terrible for those who were injured and those who lost family members such a terrible tragedy. But I feel worse about the media who continues to jump to erroneous conclusions about those who differ in their political or social ideas than them! They are using this tragedy to further their agenda of their hate and repulse for those who hold different views than their own. What have we become a nation of brutes and bullies? The media is suppose to report the news and facts unfortunately that is not the case very much anymore. They have lost their focus and role in our freedom and decided they must influence the public into their ideals is more important than people figuring out their own position themselves after hearing the facts. We must stand up to this bullying in the media, they should be held accountable for being so lame at their job! Okay enough, I feel better now.
Monday my mom came and got Gwen since we weren't sure if Tim's car would start after being covered in snow—okay Tim thought it would but I had my doubts! I went and helped at the school. The heater had been messed up by the power outage on Saturday so the school was cold. The kids wore their coats in class and so did I! By the time I left it was fixed but it just takes time to heat up a school that size! I went to Walmart after for some scout stuff and the check out lady told me that Walmart had to close for 3 hours on Saturday because it blew a transformer (?) when the power went out—it kind of surged so I wonder if that affected everything. Weird!!!! I got quite a bit done since I was alone. Izak had scouts and I had scouts. I did get to talk to Tim's sister Annette for a little bit before I went to scouts. We did a service project for scouts. That night for family night we went to Tim's parents to watch the College Football National Championship: Auburn vs. Oregon. It was a great game even though I was rooting for the ducks and they lost. We got home late.
Tuesday morning Taran and Emily and some friends went to the temple to do baptisms. It was my day to watch Zoe while Stephanie went to the temple. We let Micah and Zane sleep in and Micah actually ended up at school. Zane hung out and was interested in going out to my parents' to have lunch with my dad since it was his birthday. So after Zoe left we picked up lunch and headed to my parents'. Tim met up with us at my parents'. It was nice spending time with him even though it wasn't very long. Unfortunately I forgot my camera. We did not celebrate as a family until Sunday because it was a school night and work schedules. Micah had scouts while Timo and Izak got some cavities filled. Tim had to work late so I took Emily to her jr Jazz practice and Taran picked her up. Then I took Micah to his jr Jazz basketball game, it was fun. They have a great coach and they are doing well. After I got back I got the kids in bed and went shopping. While I was gone Tim called his car was not starting so Timo went and got him. We were all happy for BYU's Men's Basketball team for winning their game against Utah that night. And BYU's star, Jimmer Fredette had 47 points! The kids were listening to the game on the radio.
Wednesday Gwen had preschool and then playgroup. I took her and Zoe to preschool and to their friend Sophie's after. In between I ran to Kohls and spent most of my clothes budget on the kids, things they needed and Kohls gave me a 20% off coupon and great sales! Plus I got Kohl's cash! Awesome! I sound like a commercial, eh? Sometimes you really can score and I am pretty sure I did! I got to go out to lunch with some friends and I got back just as the kids were coming home from school. That is always a nice break. That night I had 2 meetings and Micah had basketball practice all at the same time so I did not go to one meeting and Micah got a ride to basketball. Timo had a junior Jazz game that night so Tim was at that with him and Emily and Taran had the youth combined activity—broom hockey.
Thursday I went visiting teaching. That is always fun. After that I had to pick the twins that I sometimes watch because their regular sitter's kids were sick. Gwen had great fun playing with them. I was actually able to get a bit of extra stuff done while they were here. After dinner I ran to Kohls to exchange Timo's shoes I got him for a larger size. And I returned a shirt I had gotten him for Christmas that smeared in the wash—the lettering. Love how they take back stuff without a fuss! Izak had his jr Jazz practice that night and Tim stayed for it. Timo found out that day they needed him to speak Sunday in church and he was awesome and accepted the assignment. I posted his talk because I thought he did a great job!
Friday I was able to stay home and get stuff done! Gwen painted at the kitchen table while I did laundry and deep cleaned parts of my kitchen—I still have inside of my oven and places like that but I was happy with my progress on what I needed to do. I got all the laundry done and put away—the kids did theirs. Taran had a choir practice at 3 PM-9 PM at AF High School for the district honor choir. They were also hosting Lone Peak in basketball that night too so Taran took Timo and some friends with him. Lone Peak won the Varsity game—Lone Peak is ranked #1 and AF #2 in the state for 5A. It was a huge game that sold out, Timo and his friends BARELY got in! Meanwhile Teresa showed up and had Emily curl her hair and we watch Northhanger Abbey a movie based on a Jane Austen movie. Tim took the little boys to the Utah Flash basketball game, they were losing the whole game and then caught up and tied and went into overtime! After I got Gwen to bed I watched It's A Wonderful Life since I never got around to it during the Christmas season. Taran went to work after his practice! He had to because Saturday he had to practice all day! That day Tim's car got a new starter for free because we just replaced it last August so it was still under warranty. It's nice to have 3 cars again we'll see how long that lasts!
Saturday I got up early and got ready to go to my sister's stake with my mom to hear Sheri Dew speak. It was amazing and I am so glad I went. After that I had my eye brows waxed by my sister's neighbor who does it in her home—she's trying to put her husband through school. I came home in time to fix lunch and go to Izak's basketball Jr Jazz game. It was fun too! Tim worked on the garage door that broke Thursday. It's the main gear for the motor. He took it apart and found that out. So he is going to order the parts he needs. We took Timo and some friends up to the concert Taran was in at the Tabernacle at Temple Square in Salt Lake City. We left at 5:30 PM so we ate at 4:30 PM. We parked far away but it was fine we got there early enough to get good seats—balcony middle and Taran was right there in the middle too. The concert was really good, amazingly good. The sound was incredible in there. But the music would have been a bit boring for the little kids so Emily stayed home with the little kids. After we found Taran we drove him home with us. We stopped at JCWs for a treat but it was dinner for Timo's friends and had I known we would have stopped earlier! I felt so bad! We also brought Emily a shake home. We did some ironing and watched the BYU vs Utah basketball game that my parents had recorded for us.
Sunday Zane woke up not feeling well, he's had a cold for a couple of days. I made him go so I could hear Timo's talk. Tim, Taran, Timo and Emily were also singing in the choir as well! It was a really good meeting. Zane and I walked home. He rested while I did some Family History stuff. We went to my mom's for dinner and to celebrate my dad's 75th birthday. It was yummy and fun! My dad asked that we not buy him something but do some Family History instead. My mom had us compile what we did and put it in a book. We had the little kids draw what their favorite memories with my dad were. For example Gwen drew a gyser and some people and it was her with my parents at Yellowstone! My brother videos my dad telling stories and us telling stories about my dad. That was hilarious! Anyway, we got home late that is why I didn't post yesterday.
Today I took my scouts snowshoeing and we invited the WEBELOS to come too. So Izak came and Tim too. We went to Tibble Fork up AF Canyon. It was a beautiful day and we had a good time. Now I must go make dinner!
Timo's talk
I thought I'd post Timo's talk. I thought he did an incredible job especially when he found out Thursday afternoon just before some term finals that he was going to have to give it! He wasn't able to to write it until Saturday but I don't think it hurt his talk. Note: our church is a lay ministry which means we all volunteer no one is paid to teach or preach so on Sundays members take turns sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ on various subjects. Timo spoke on the Sacrament, that was the topic he was given.
Hello brother and sisters, I have been asked to speak today about the sacrament. The sacrament is the focal point of our sacrament meetings. We take the sacrament to renew our covenants and remember the great Atonement of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. The water represents the blood of the Savior, and the bread represents the body. Mervyn B. Arnold said in the last general conference, “Each week as we partake of the sacrament we covenant and promise that we are willing to take upon us the name of Christ, always remember Him, and keep His commandments. If we are willing to do so, we are promised that most wonderful blessing-that His Spirit will always be with us.” This gives us the chance to have the Holy Ghost with us as our constant companion, guiding us and directing us with every decision that we make. This would not be possible without the Atonement and the sacrament.
When Jesus came to the Nephites after his resurrection he gave them the sacrament and told them of its importance. He says in 3 Nephi Chapter 20 verse 8, “He that eateth this bread eateth of my body to his soul; and he that drinketh of this wine drinketh of my blood to his soul; and his soul shall never hunger nor thirst, but shall be filled.” When the Nephites had all eaten and drunk, they were filled with the spirit and it says they “gave glory to Jesus.” I think that sometimes when we partake of the sacrament we take it without “giving glory to Jesus” even though he made it possible for us to partake of the sacrament. Sometimes we take the sacrament without thinking about its importance and its great need. I know I am sometimes guilty of this. We all want to make it back to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus, and to do this we must be clean and pure, but we all make mistakes. Our Savior Jesus loves us so much that he died for us so that we might repent and be able to return to live with him again. When we partake of the sacrament, we are forgiven of our mistakes. What a great blessing this is to all of us. We take the sacrament each week so sometimes we take it for granted and take it without remembering Jesus's great sacrifice for us. I hope that we can all make the sacrament more meaningful.
As a member of the Aaronic Priesthood I have many duties pertaining to the sacrament. As a deacon I passed the sacrament, as a teacher I prepared the sacrament, and now as a priest I break the bread and bless the sacrament. It is a neat experience to partake in the sacrament services. Ever since I have become a deacon, our leaders have stressed the importance of the sacrament. They work their hardest to get us to truly understand its importance and to participate in it in a very reverent way. Our ward is unique in this way. Our teachers show up 30 minutes early to prepare the sacrament, and our deacons and priests are in their seats 10 minutes before church starts almost every Sunday. We are also expected to wear a white shirt and a tie that is not distracting, as well as clean hair, without our sleeves rolled up. We have also been taught to be reverent because we set the tone for the sacrament meeting, and many people watch to see what we are doing. Every month at the Aaronic Priesthood Committee meeting the bishopric would ask the presidents of each quorum how we can improve the sacrament.
Back when I was the president of the teacher's quorum, one Sunday me and a few other teachers had shown up at around 8:30 to prepare the sacrament. This particular week we all showed up right on time and got the sacrament ready pretty fast. As we were setting out the bread and water, an older man (turns out he was on the General Young Mens Board) came up to us and asked us which one of us was in charge. I told him I was the president of our quorum and he asked me if we showed up this early every week and finished this fast every week. Even though we finished a little faster than normal, it was still a pretty average time, so I told him that we usually did. He was amazed. He told me that what we had was pretty special. It turned out this man was from the General Young Men's Board. He had been to many different wards, and he was very impressed. To our ward this is expected. We are lucky to live in a ward where the bishopric and young men leaders stress the importance of the sacrament. Through these experiences, my own testimony has been strengthened about the importance of the sacrament. As I have developed a testimony of the sacrament, participating in the sacrament has also become more meaningful. I challenge those who have the Aaronic priesthood, especially the deacons, to gain a testimony of the sacrament now. I testify that if you do, your responsibilities as a member of the Aaronic priesthood will become more meaningful and you will gain a stronger testimony of Christ.
Hello brother and sisters, I have been asked to speak today about the sacrament. The sacrament is the focal point of our sacrament meetings. We take the sacrament to renew our covenants and remember the great Atonement of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. The water represents the blood of the Savior, and the bread represents the body. Mervyn B. Arnold said in the last general conference, “Each week as we partake of the sacrament we covenant and promise that we are willing to take upon us the name of Christ, always remember Him, and keep His commandments. If we are willing to do so, we are promised that most wonderful blessing-that His Spirit will always be with us.” This gives us the chance to have the Holy Ghost with us as our constant companion, guiding us and directing us with every decision that we make. This would not be possible without the Atonement and the sacrament.
When Jesus came to the Nephites after his resurrection he gave them the sacrament and told them of its importance. He says in 3 Nephi Chapter 20 verse 8, “He that eateth this bread eateth of my body to his soul; and he that drinketh of this wine drinketh of my blood to his soul; and his soul shall never hunger nor thirst, but shall be filled.” When the Nephites had all eaten and drunk, they were filled with the spirit and it says they “gave glory to Jesus.” I think that sometimes when we partake of the sacrament we take it without “giving glory to Jesus” even though he made it possible for us to partake of the sacrament. Sometimes we take the sacrament without thinking about its importance and its great need. I know I am sometimes guilty of this. We all want to make it back to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus, and to do this we must be clean and pure, but we all make mistakes. Our Savior Jesus loves us so much that he died for us so that we might repent and be able to return to live with him again. When we partake of the sacrament, we are forgiven of our mistakes. What a great blessing this is to all of us. We take the sacrament each week so sometimes we take it for granted and take it without remembering Jesus's great sacrifice for us. I hope that we can all make the sacrament more meaningful.
As a member of the Aaronic Priesthood I have many duties pertaining to the sacrament. As a deacon I passed the sacrament, as a teacher I prepared the sacrament, and now as a priest I break the bread and bless the sacrament. It is a neat experience to partake in the sacrament services. Ever since I have become a deacon, our leaders have stressed the importance of the sacrament. They work their hardest to get us to truly understand its importance and to participate in it in a very reverent way. Our ward is unique in this way. Our teachers show up 30 minutes early to prepare the sacrament, and our deacons and priests are in their seats 10 minutes before church starts almost every Sunday. We are also expected to wear a white shirt and a tie that is not distracting, as well as clean hair, without our sleeves rolled up. We have also been taught to be reverent because we set the tone for the sacrament meeting, and many people watch to see what we are doing. Every month at the Aaronic Priesthood Committee meeting the bishopric would ask the presidents of each quorum how we can improve the sacrament.
Back when I was the president of the teacher's quorum, one Sunday me and a few other teachers had shown up at around 8:30 to prepare the sacrament. This particular week we all showed up right on time and got the sacrament ready pretty fast. As we were setting out the bread and water, an older man (turns out he was on the General Young Mens Board) came up to us and asked us which one of us was in charge. I told him I was the president of our quorum and he asked me if we showed up this early every week and finished this fast every week. Even though we finished a little faster than normal, it was still a pretty average time, so I told him that we usually did. He was amazed. He told me that what we had was pretty special. It turned out this man was from the General Young Men's Board. He had been to many different wards, and he was very impressed. To our ward this is expected. We are lucky to live in a ward where the bishopric and young men leaders stress the importance of the sacrament. Through these experiences, my own testimony has been strengthened about the importance of the sacrament. As I have developed a testimony of the sacrament, participating in the sacrament has also become more meaningful. I challenge those who have the Aaronic priesthood, especially the deacons, to gain a testimony of the sacrament now. I testify that if you do, your responsibilities as a member of the Aaronic priesthood will become more meaningful and you will gain a stronger testimony of Christ.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The first week of the 2011 is over!
So this is pathetic! The only photo I took this week was of Timo getting asked to Preference...
Monday we were all sad to have school start up especially since the weather was FREEZING. I am not sure if the temperatures broke 32 degrees this week ever! It wasn't good sledding weather because the snow was so hard. The cold did not deter our boys from trying to play football and basketball outside! Some days were better and they lasted longer but our Foosball table came in very handy as did the Nerf hoops we have in the playroom! I went to the school and helped out. Tim got to stay home since he had that day off. This had many benefits...he watched Gwen and I my mom could recover from last week. He could help put the Christmas stuff away. I enjoyed having around for 2 weeks! Too bad he can't retire! I had scouts, Izak had scouts, Timo had another class presentation meeting and Taran had work. Timo also had basketball practice. That night for family night we set goals for the new year and had refreshments. Although I was too busy helping the others to actually do mine! Taran remembered he had to present a solo for his Chamber Choir class assignment on Wednesday so he scrambled to find a song he liked--Tim stayed up late helping him find one. Too bad he never remembered over the 2 week break about this! Timo practiced his presentation (this group one he's been meeting with all this time) with me and he did a good job.
Tuesday Timo had to be early to meet with his group, for the last time. He drove himself--how nice! They got an A on their presentation--they deserved it! Tim drove Taran to school later. Then we dropped Gwen off at my friend Stephanie's. I dropped Tim off at work and went to the temple. It was so nice! Stephanie had taken Gwen to her parents' to get fresh eggs. She enjoyed that! I was able to get some scout stuff done, we were having our orientation meeting today and there was a lot to get ready. I had gotten some copies and things done but still seemed to have a lot to do. I also wanted to finished getting all the Christmas stuff put away! It seems like it takes for ever to get it all put back! Even today I found a random ornament holder--it's a pretty 'S' shape but it slips off easily. I never found the 2 wooden sheep to one of our nativities that Gwen lost a couple of years ago! Micah had scouts that afternoon and they got to bring a favorite song and he said that everyone loved it! BTW it was Secret Crowds by Angels and Airwaves. Older brothers are very influential no Disney pop stuff over here! Emily had basketball practice for Jr Jazz. She is on a team of 8th graders. They are pretty good and she likes it even though she doesn't have any close friends on the team. Tim had a game that night as well and they won by forfeit. I did some shopping that night.
Wednesday I had a dentist appointment for that tooth that the y chipped off when they were cleaning it. It didn't take long. Tim had gotten a ride to work (his car was still out). We had decided to get together to have lunch and pick a frame for the painting I got from my mom for Christmas (Minerva Teichert's Christ in a red robe). We went to Hobby Lobby and found a pretty one for a good price. We went out to Fuddrucker's for lunch and split a meal. That was a good choice since we were both stuffed in the end! We had a hamburger, onion rings and a strawberry shake. I dropped him off and went home, I actually went to pick up Gwen first then we went home--it was Stephanie's turn to have the playgroup. After I got the kids stuff done--homework and practicing the piano I went a did a little more shopping--I was more organized this time! Micah had basketball practice and Timo had basketball game. Timo's team lost unfortunately. Taran went to YM and Emily went to YW. Taran and some of his friends studied for AP Lit. We went to bed before they were done.
Thursday I had woke up at 2 PM with my nose dripping like a faucet. I took some Nyquil and eventually went back to sleep. I got up with everyone and then went back to bed once they were gone to school and Gwen watched PBS kids! I was suppose to go VT and my visiting teachers were suppose to come. I called and told them I better not. It was a good move. Tim worked from home then left at lunch time. I took airborn and dayquil so I was feeling much better after resting and being medicated. Gwen's friend Sophie came over for about an hour to play while her mom ran to the hospital to visit her mom. Then Gwen had a birthday gathering for her friend Natali--it was just a little non-official party but they had cake and ice cream and played. That also gave me a break. My friend Merrily brought us dinner which was so nice because while the kids were playing with friends I rested on my bed instead of making dinner. It was good too! I was suppose to go to Roundtable but I wasn't quite up to that. Tim had Elders Quorum stuff that night.
Friday my friend needed me to watch her twin 5 year olds since she got called into work (the nurse I help). Luckily I was feeling so much better. Stephanie needed Zoe to come over while she visit taught. So we had a lot of fun over here! It was nice because I was able to get some things done with out feeling like I was ignoring Gwen. Taran had a surprise birthday party for his friend Sara after work. Timo went to the Lone Peak basketball game. He drove. Tim got the 3 Amigos before Christmas and wanted to show the little kids... they loved it! I worked on scout stuff and finished up my lesson for Sunday. Just after Timo left for the game he got asked to Preference, a fancy girl's choice like the Prom. So that's my photo for the week, him deciphering it. He is flattered. She is a cool girl not too girly and likes the Jazz, a lot. Her only downside is that she is a Ute fan. She comes from a great family. He went to her birthday party in December and she came to his White Elephant Christmas party so we met her. Anyway, I was tortured until he came home and he figured out the poem and stuff. Each word was on a piece of play money:
Roses are red,'
Violets are blue,
This Rose (her last name) wants to go to Preference with YOU!
Her name was on the coins. The bag that held them all had: TIMO I will pay you to go to Preference with me!
Good times!
Saturday Emily had a leadership training at 7 AM. Her leader took her so that was nice! Taran had an AP Lit practice test at 8 AM, he said that he didn't cry even though he felt like it! Micah had basketball practice at 10:45 AM, Timo had a church ball game at 11 AM. Tim had to coach it. Taran showed up at the end and they ended up winning--they had been losing pretty bad all along. Timo left soon after for the BYU vs Air Force Basketball Game with some friends. Charl and Katie came over with their kids and took turns going to the temple. The kids had fun playing and I enjoyed visiting. Taran took Emily to her game at 1:30 PM and Tim went to Izak's game at the same time but different place. Emily's game ended early because the power went out--I called and they said it was out in Cedar Hills, Pleasant Grove and some surrounding Areas and it would be back on by 5 PM! It came back on sometime around 4 PM--I think. Emily's team was winning pretty easily and so did Izak's team. We'll see how Micah's team does Tuesday! I made dinner when Charl and Katie left and then went shopping one more time. I needed to get stuff for Timo's answer to the dance. He put Y E S on gold chocolate coins. We put extra in it so it wasn't obvious and used the same bag she put his stuff in. His note read: Your name is Rose,
Mine name is Pew,
I say ___ to Preference with you!
The answer is in the bag.
After he got back from the game we got it figured out. Then after dinner he and Emily took it over. BTW Taran is going but his date just asked him on the phone, novel idea, eh? Tim and the little kids played games then we put them to bed. Tim, Emily, Timo and I watched Pure Luck. Taran went to another birthday party with some of his friends. I was up late working on my slideshow. I would watch the movie some then check the computer, then go I waited for different things! Crazy! And then I forgot to use it in the end!
Sunday I got up early to get dinner in the crockpot. Then I studied my scriptures and the Conference Ensign I only have one talk left and I have read the whole thing. I am sort of sad, I love reading it. I am glad they have lessons from it so I can re-read them. I helped Zane with his talk, Tim had Elders Quorum stuff, and Emily had Beehive Presidency meeting. It was bitter cold and it had snowed. Tim drove because he had a box of pinewood derby cars to distribute--the Elders are having a competition in February! Sacrament meeting was great, we had our dear Lizzie back from England speaking--missionary. It sounds like she had a great experience. I taught this week, I felt rushed I need a clock! After church I had to get ready for our 11 yr old Scout Orientation. At the beginning of each year we invite all the new scouts and their parents. We explain the program, give them a binder with helps and let them ask questions. Everyone seems to appreciate it! It went well and I am excited Izak will be in my group this year! Tim and the kids were great helps getting ready, The older kids left for choir when it started . Izak and Micah had children's choir at 2:30 PM. After the meeting we had a few dinner preparations left. The kids got out one of my Christmas presents--home movies that are now on DVD. Tim got a bunch put on DVD for me and they have loved watching them. I have only seen bits and pieces of some. I am hoping to see them some day!
So there you go! I am hoping to get a better start this week on my New Year's Resolutions! I hope you are doing well on yours! Tim just told me a goal he accomplished last year: Not watch NASCAR. Can you tell he isn't into goal setting? At least he's funny!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Freedom Friday
who donates more to charity? check this out! here
So here are 2 links to articles about who donates the most to charity. Why does it matter? And what does it have to do with freedom?
Arthur Brooks on the subject
Why does it matter? Because people will tell you conservatives despise the poor etc that they don't really care that's why they don't want to be taxed to pay for the programs for the poor. This is simply not true. As the data shows conservatives are more giving than most groups. Conservatives just don't believe in being mandated to give. And I would also like to say that I think charities can help people in a more personal and efficient way than the government.
What does it have to do with freedom? Well, partly because the more we are required to pay (in taxes) for these programs that help the unfortunate the higher our deficit and the less freedom not only do we as individuals have but as a nation our financial freedom suffers as well. When we are not self reliant but reliant on others for our well being this is precarious especially for a government to allow this to happen.
So let's stop listening to those who claim to care and start helping people help themselves, there are many creative ways we can help people get back on their feet with community help not BIG BROTHER.
So here are 2 links to articles about who donates the most to charity. Why does it matter? And what does it have to do with freedom?
Arthur Brooks on the subject
Why does it matter? Because people will tell you conservatives despise the poor etc that they don't really care that's why they don't want to be taxed to pay for the programs for the poor. This is simply not true. As the data shows conservatives are more giving than most groups. Conservatives just don't believe in being mandated to give. And I would also like to say that I think charities can help people in a more personal and efficient way than the government.
What does it have to do with freedom? Well, partly because the more we are required to pay (in taxes) for these programs that help the unfortunate the higher our deficit and the less freedom not only do we as individuals have but as a nation our financial freedom suffers as well. When we are not self reliant but reliant on others for our well being this is precarious especially for a government to allow this to happen.
So let's stop listening to those who claim to care and start helping people help themselves, there are many creative ways we can help people get back on their feet with community help not BIG BROTHER.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year!
Seriously, I am blown away by the fact that it is 2011! I remember the years when my kids were little seemed paced right--except some days and nights were soooo long! Now that my kids are older and we are busier it just seems as if each year has accelerated from the last!
Monday we slept nice is that? Tim and I left the sleeping kids and went to breakfast at a little local bakery. It was yummy and then we headed to Costco for some supplies! When we got home the kids were up and Timo actually had a group project meeting again--and he had them several times this week even though they met a few times before Christmas! They are quite gungho! Later we went to Tim's parents for dinner, and all his siblings that live here came with their kids. It was a lot of fun and the food was yummy! Although we did mis Juan who was home nursing a kidney stone--not fun!
We had fun visiting, watching a Jazz basketball game (not--they lost), cousins played together. Tim's parents opened their present from all their children and their families, a photo book of the family reunion this summer. They seemed to enjoy it and so did the rest of the family members who looked it over. After Emily got to spend the night at her cousin Maddie's which she thoroughly enjoyed.
Tuesday morning Micah has basketball practice. Not too much later we had our dental check ups, well 5 kids did not fair well, they have one cavity each. The rest of us were fine--I did have a piece of tooth that came off when they were scraping off plaque so now it needs fixing, not happy about that! But that's better than a cavity or worse! After Emily was done Tim took Emily home and came back and waited for the rest of us. We went to the indoor mini-golf (black light) at Trafalga. It was pretty cool. We got these season passes to 7 Peaks (waterpark), 2 Trafalgas, Flash Basketball home games and Owl baseball home games so we finally got to Trafalga and it was a lot of fun even though I stink!
Tim played basketball that night and I ran to Walmart for the weekly shopping. I finished a book I got for Christmas STILL ALICE. It's a realistic fiction about a woman in her 50's who gets Alzheimer's--Early Onset. It was quite the tearjerker. I had heard it was a good book about the disease and the many facets to it. It was very good but made me feel so bad for my dad and mom. I don't think I'll read it again but it is a great book if you have a friend or family member with Alzheimer's this gives perspective to what they are dealing with--the author interviewed people with early onset (under 65) and based her character's experiences from their experiences.
Wednesday we woke up to a winter wonderland. It was super heavy and wet. Izak and Micah headed out to sled first thing but then came home soaked after an hour! Teresa needed help setting up the printer she got for Christmas. So after Tim and I went to the National Forest Service to check out the road conditions for the canyon we headed to her house. By the time we were heading home it was colder and the snow was still falling but the roads were nasty. We had planned to take our scouts snowshoeing up the canyon but we were told they did not want us up the canyon the next day because the roads would be worse after that slushy snow froze. The forecast showed the high at 20 degrees but that it would feel like 7 degrees because it would be windy and snowing. Tim was dropping hints, asking if we really wanted to take the scouts out in that weather. I got an email from my co-scout leader questioning going with the weather so I called one of the WEBELOS leaders and asked what she thought. So we postponed it until this month. Hopefully it will pan out, it's always lots of fun but I think they might have been miserable! That night Izak and Micah went to some friends who are brothers and watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice. They really liked it. Meanwhile Zane watched Ironman 2 on Clearplay. He enjoyed that!
Thursday it was really cold, the roads were bad and the snow was still coming down. My friend Melissa (who was down from Boise) and I had set up to go out to lunch Friday but when I told her we had postponed snowshoeing she asked if we could change that to Thursday so another friend could come. So we went to lunch that day, it was great to spend time with her. She is a great friend and I miss her so much! Tim helped out with Timo's basketball practice that afternoon. That night Taran and some of his friends went rollerskating and Emily got to go with. They had a lot of fun. Timo and his friends ended up at the big dance a couple blocks away. I was glad they went even though he said that it was okay.
Friday Tim and I went to see Harry Potter 7 part 1 at about noon. I enjoyed it, I thought it went by fast and was somewhat bummed I couldn't see the second half! This summer! We ran some errands on the way home. I also went out looking for my sister a birthday present. I brought home Panda Express.

After dinner Timo went to a friend's, Taran had already gone to a party and we played games until the cousins showed up. Then we played more games.
The cousins hadn't seen Despicable Me so they watched that. I did other things at that point.

Then we watched the ball drop and the kids blew the horns I had bought and popped the poppers. So we had confetti all over! It was fun. Taran and Timo made it home safe later. Emily had tried to no avail to find a friend to have over but they were all doing family stuff which is pretty normal at her age.
Saturday we let them sleep in but they were up by 9 AM. They played games and then a computer game. I took stuff around to the kids in my new Primary class. That was fun. Then we were off to my mom's to celebrate the New Year and Teresa's birthday with my siblings and their families.

It was fun we ate yummy food and played games: Loaded Questions , The T-Shirt Game, some word game, PS2 karaoke, Madden and Star Wars Lego. Thanks to Keith for bringing the gaming system to play. A real treat for the kids! The photo of me with my siblings in our matching red t-shirts is significant in that Keith bought those t-shirts and they have our elementary school colors and mascot on them! It was fun of him to them to us. We decided to take some goofy pictures in our matching shirts and I liked this one best! But we got home super late--after getting our van stuck in my mom's cul-de-sac! Teresa got injured from helping us push it, we felt bad about that. When we got home I still did some laundry and chores to get the house ready for the Sunday. It was a late night! One thing I need to add is that we got an email back from Timo's friend Porter's mom--this is his friend who passed out in PE and we learned he had a stroke...his mom worked with our brother-in-law and resigned when Porter was hospitalized when Nate mentioned Timo was there to the mom she asked if Timo could send her details of what happened. Timo wrote her and Nate got it to her. She sent us an email Saturday and said that he has an unusual condition where his blood clots too fast thus causing the stroke. She said that the stroke damaged his speaking skills and motor skills on his right side but that he has been able to get some use back since starting physical therapy and speech therapy. He is not up for visitors but he should be coming home in a week--they and we hope anyway! It was nice for Timo to find out something since he gets asked all the time. We fasted for Porter today. We feel good about his prospects at this point since she was upbeat. She did ask that Timo to continue to pray for Porter--which Timo had mentioned to her that he and his friends had been doing that.
Taran got up kind of early and went with some friends to the MoTab broadcast this morning for a concert report for choir. He got back just in time for our 11 AM meetings. Zane got his picture taken before church as part of the bulletin board of children who are getting baptized this year. I was totally not prepared for that! Of course when he turned 7 I said hey in a year you are going to be baptized but since then I have to keep reminding myself he's 7 not 6!
Testimony meeting was good, Zane got Tim to share his testimony! I didn't teach so it was nice to hear all the great lessons: we are starting the New Testament in Sunday School and we had a special speaker in combined RS/Priesthood on Mental Illness. It was very insightful and inspiring. My parents and my sister are coming for dinner. So I am going to end this! Happy New Year and may it be your best yet!
Monday we slept nice is that? Tim and I left the sleeping kids and went to breakfast at a little local bakery. It was yummy and then we headed to Costco for some supplies! When we got home the kids were up and Timo actually had a group project meeting again--and he had them several times this week even though they met a few times before Christmas! They are quite gungho! Later we went to Tim's parents for dinner, and all his siblings that live here came with their kids. It was a lot of fun and the food was yummy! Although we did mis Juan who was home nursing a kidney stone--not fun!
Tuesday morning Micah has basketball practice. Not too much later we had our dental check ups, well 5 kids did not fair well, they have one cavity each. The rest of us were fine--I did have a piece of tooth that came off when they were scraping off plaque so now it needs fixing, not happy about that! But that's better than a cavity or worse! After Emily was done Tim took Emily home and came back and waited for the rest of us. We went to the indoor mini-golf (black light) at Trafalga. It was pretty cool. We got these season passes to 7 Peaks (waterpark), 2 Trafalgas, Flash Basketball home games and Owl baseball home games so we finally got to Trafalga and it was a lot of fun even though I stink!
Wednesday we woke up to a winter wonderland. It was super heavy and wet. Izak and Micah headed out to sled first thing but then came home soaked after an hour! Teresa needed help setting up the printer she got for Christmas. So after Tim and I went to the National Forest Service to check out the road conditions for the canyon we headed to her house. By the time we were heading home it was colder and the snow was still falling but the roads were nasty. We had planned to take our scouts snowshoeing up the canyon but we were told they did not want us up the canyon the next day because the roads would be worse after that slushy snow froze. The forecast showed the high at 20 degrees but that it would feel like 7 degrees because it would be windy and snowing. Tim was dropping hints, asking if we really wanted to take the scouts out in that weather. I got an email from my co-scout leader questioning going with the weather so I called one of the WEBELOS leaders and asked what she thought. So we postponed it until this month. Hopefully it will pan out, it's always lots of fun but I think they might have been miserable! That night Izak and Micah went to some friends who are brothers and watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice. They really liked it. Meanwhile Zane watched Ironman 2 on Clearplay. He enjoyed that!
Thursday it was really cold, the roads were bad and the snow was still coming down. My friend Melissa (who was down from Boise) and I had set up to go out to lunch Friday but when I told her we had postponed snowshoeing she asked if we could change that to Thursday so another friend could come. So we went to lunch that day, it was great to spend time with her. She is a great friend and I miss her so much! Tim helped out with Timo's basketball practice that afternoon. That night Taran and some of his friends went rollerskating and Emily got to go with. They had a lot of fun. Timo and his friends ended up at the big dance a couple blocks away. I was glad they went even though he said that it was okay.
Friday Tim and I went to see Harry Potter 7 part 1 at about noon. I enjoyed it, I thought it went by fast and was somewhat bummed I couldn't see the second half! This summer! We ran some errands on the way home. I also went out looking for my sister a birthday present. I brought home Panda Express.
After dinner Timo went to a friend's, Taran had already gone to a party and we played games until the cousins showed up. Then we played more games.
The cousins hadn't seen Despicable Me so they watched that. I did other things at that point.
Then we watched the ball drop and the kids blew the horns I had bought and popped the poppers. So we had confetti all over! It was fun. Taran and Timo made it home safe later. Emily had tried to no avail to find a friend to have over but they were all doing family stuff which is pretty normal at her age.
Saturday we let them sleep in but they were up by 9 AM. They played games and then a computer game. I took stuff around to the kids in my new Primary class. That was fun. Then we were off to my mom's to celebrate the New Year and Teresa's birthday with my siblings and their families.
It was fun we ate yummy food and played games: Loaded Questions , The T-Shirt Game, some word game, PS2 karaoke, Madden and Star Wars Lego. Thanks to Keith for bringing the gaming system to play. A real treat for the kids! The photo of me with my siblings in our matching red t-shirts is significant in that Keith bought those t-shirts and they have our elementary school colors and mascot on them! It was fun of him to them to us. We decided to take some goofy pictures in our matching shirts and I liked this one best! But we got home super late--after getting our van stuck in my mom's cul-de-sac! Teresa got injured from helping us push it, we felt bad about that. When we got home I still did some laundry and chores to get the house ready for the Sunday. It was a late night! One thing I need to add is that we got an email back from Timo's friend Porter's mom--this is his friend who passed out in PE and we learned he had a stroke...his mom worked with our brother-in-law and resigned when Porter was hospitalized when Nate mentioned Timo was there to the mom she asked if Timo could send her details of what happened. Timo wrote her and Nate got it to her. She sent us an email Saturday and said that he has an unusual condition where his blood clots too fast thus causing the stroke. She said that the stroke damaged his speaking skills and motor skills on his right side but that he has been able to get some use back since starting physical therapy and speech therapy. He is not up for visitors but he should be coming home in a week--they and we hope anyway! It was nice for Timo to find out something since he gets asked all the time. We fasted for Porter today. We feel good about his prospects at this point since she was upbeat. She did ask that Timo to continue to pray for Porter--which Timo had mentioned to her that he and his friends had been doing that.
Taran got up kind of early and went with some friends to the MoTab broadcast this morning for a concert report for choir. He got back just in time for our 11 AM meetings. Zane got his picture taken before church as part of the bulletin board of children who are getting baptized this year. I was totally not prepared for that! Of course when he turned 7 I said hey in a year you are going to be baptized but since then I have to keep reminding myself he's 7 not 6!
Testimony meeting was good, Zane got Tim to share his testimony! I didn't teach so it was nice to hear all the great lessons: we are starting the New Testament in Sunday School and we had a special speaker in combined RS/Priesthood on Mental Illness. It was very insightful and inspiring. My parents and my sister are coming for dinner. So I am going to end this! Happy New Year and may it be your best yet!
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