Monday we woke up to cold and snow. I went to help in Micah's class (after Zane's) and the teacher had forgotten to tell me they were going on a field trip but duh, my kid is in the class why I didn't think of it...Anyway, she needed another mom and asked if I could go along. My mom who had Gwen said that was fine so I went! They walked over to the high school only a few blocks from the school to see the musical The Music Man. I was glad I got to go since some of Taran's friends were in it. They did a really great job especially for high school kids! The kids liked it until the end when there was kissing! Luckily by the time we left for the play the sun was shining, it was only windy and my hoodie vest I was wearing kept me sheltered from it. I had scouts, and we had Family Night. Zane and Micah had piano.
Emily had her musical practice until 6 PM that night.
Tuesday Emily and Izak take piano before school so Emily went to piano but stayed home to rest since she has been fighting a cold and to finish her science fair project--it wasn't due until Thursday but her musical was starting Wednesday night. I went to the Draper Temple and Gwen to Zoe's to play even though Emily was home I figured Gwen would still rather play with Zoe. I really enjoyed going to the Draper Temple since Timpanogos is closed for cleaning until this week. They are as windy as us...maybe more. After I picked up Gwen, I ran to Walmart by myself since Emily was home. Boy is that a nice break! I really dislike taking my kids to the store before Christmas...they get strange ideas and change their minds. Which means what I bought that they wanted when it was on sale is no longer what they want! I am trying to get organized for Christmas...I got some presents made this week. I feel the pressure to get some finished and mailed before Thanksgiving. That night Emily's practice went until 8 PM. Izak went with his scouts to see The Music Man at the high school and he enjoyed it.
Wednesday Gwen had preschool and I drove. I went to Holy Cow and to Robert's Craft after. After I picked Gwen and Zoe up they went to Sophie's for playgroup. Then I ate a quick lunch at home then ran to Sandy about 20 minutes north of here. I wanted to buy a baby gift for my friend Melissa who had her baby that night and Timo's birthday present. Timo want a Jazz jersey with Al Jefferson's name and number on it. Those aren't cheap so he didn't get a lot for his birthday. I found a cute outfit for baby Van and I was home before the kids got home. That night was opening night for Emily's musical: You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. Tim went and really enjoyed it while I stayed home with the little kids. Timo had early scouts and they had pizza and ice cream to say good bye to him and did a planning of activities. Taran didn't go to scouts since he wasn't going on the camp out that week end.
Thursday Gwen and I finished up getting some birthday cards for Timo and buying his breakfast and getting other special food for his birthday. I avoided the toy area! That night Taran and his friends went to the Music Man and then to Harry Potter the midnight showing. They dressed up and everything--see in the collage the big group! That night the rest of us went to Emily's musical. Aunt Teresa, and both sets of grandparents came. Emily danced with grandpa Pew during the blanket song. We all enjoyed the show and Emily did a great job on her part. She had fun showing Gwen to all her drama friends. That night Timo needed help with his Spanish homework so we were up late.
Friday was Timo's birthday. We got Taran up for it and then he went back to sleep. I had a meeting with the Primary President, she is over scouts and my teaching age group so she was asking about my callings and everything like that. Then Gwen and I went to the dollar store to buy some ACE bandages, guaze pads and such for medical kits our ward is putting together at our ward Christmas party. They were having the Primary children come around house to house to collect donations on Saturday. I also had to get a present for a girl who was turning 16 too. She and Timo were baptized on the same day. Her mom planned a surprise party for Timo's birthday--forgetting that it was his birthday. When she remembered she felt really bad. It wasn't a problem because Timo didn't really want to do much that night. He wants to go to a Jazz game with some of his friends but he didn't want to go THAT night. So Timo went to her party and that mom had them sing Happy Birthday to both of them and I donated some ice cream and plain brownies. She will get me digital copies of the birthday, I am sure. Most of Timo's friends were there to it worked out great! They played games and watched a movie. Meanwhile, I went to Emily's musical. A little less than half way I started feeling sick so I left and ran to the bathroom. I didn't throw up but I did have the other. So instead of staying to find out I ran home as fast as I could so if it started again I would be alright at home! I drank some coke and rested. I did have some cramping but it went away. Tim took Emily some clothes and baby wipes for the make up and took her and 2 friends to see Harry Potter. They thoroughly enjoyed it. Taran had a mellow night at home since half of his friends were on the camp out or in the musical The Music Man. After the musical was over some came over and they hung out.
Saturday I woke up with a cold, my throat was super sore. I blame the kid in the dollar store who was hacking and sneezing behind me in line. I took some Dayquil and after time I didn't feel too bad anymore. The kids did their chores and went to the Primary activity. Tim played basketball from 8-9:30 AM. So he got home after they left. He took Taran to a tux place to buy his shirt, pants and shoes for Chamber. They stopped at Costco on the way back. By the time they got home it was time for Tim and I to leave for the BYU vs New Mexico football game. It was chilly and windy. Tim and I decided to brave it and if it got too uncomfortable we'd leave--this was huge because Tim NEVER leaves a game early for ANYTHING! Well, it turned out okay and comfortable. It was lots of fun mostly just being with Tim on a date is fun. We bought our concessions from Lone Peak's student council, one of Taran's friends helped us. We were home by 8:30 PM. Timo and some friends were here babysitting. Taran had taken Emily to her musical, it's final night and watched and brought her home. Later I watched Brain Regan while I folded laundry. Taran and some of his friends were working on homework, another was playing the piano, another watching Lord of the Rings with Emily and playing in the play room and one watched with me. Timo had left with his friends to watch the Jazz basketball game. Half of Taran's friends left--the ones not doing homework. Tim and I went to bed.
Sunday was early for Tim and the boys they had a Stake Priesthood meeting at 7 AM. Then they had choir at 8:15 AM. They were singing today. I got to go to Sunday School and Relief Society today and they were great and very inspiring along with a great Sacrament meeting as well! After church Timo was ordained to be a Priest it was nice that Grandma and Grandpa Pew could come and Granny. My dad had a rough night with his oxygen tank not being plugged into his mask! Oops! The bishop had Taran, our hometeacher's companion, his son and the first assistant join in the circle. It was a great experience! Then we went back later for tithing settlement.
I feel so blessed. Truly, I have much to be thankful for and I have been writing in a special journal almost daily--I try. Then just as November was going to start I made one for our family to just write down each day what they are thankful for in a special book--I posted about a few weeks ago. I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy your relationships, make that the focus NOT the food!
1 comment:
Sorry we couldn't come to Timo's ordination today! With our sacrament meeting starting at 1:00, we didn't feel like we could make it and get to our meeting in time for the sacrament. Wish we could've been there!
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