We had a few firsts this year! Gwen's first day of preschool, Zane's first day 1st grade school all day, Emily's first day of 7th grade or first day of junior high and Timo's first day of 10th grade or first day of high school. I also got a cute photo of Gwen running to me after her first day of preschool. So far everyone 'likes' school as much as they 'like' school. They tried to move Izak from his teacher to a new teacher since his class had 40 students as did other 5th grade classes so they added a new teacher after the first week. But I refused! The real problem is that there is a charter school opening in a couple of months so some kids are double enrolled. They didn't really want to hire a teacher unless they really needed to but a bunch of parents complained so we have a new teacher that we may not need in a couple months! Taran is a senior--what?! He recently took the ACT to improve his score-- we hope for a scholarship. So far he is eligible to get into BYU, his current first choice, but it would be nice to get paid for it! The weather has been unusually cool already so not much hope for an Indian Summer! Hope your school year is going well! I hope we recover from almost $700 in fees and that doesn't count Taran's $1600 choir tour--thank goodness he has a job!
Look at those cute kids and all their "firsts!" Fun times.
Firsts are always fun. It looks like Gwen can fit in her school bag...glad she had fun.
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