This week Taran and Timo had EFY all week. We signed them up for one that is not overnight--they stay at home at night. There were 17 other kids from our neighborhood who did it from various ages so we all carpooled. They had a good experience and met kids from Florida, New Jersey, Indiana, California and Utah.
Monday Tim dropped Emily and younger at mom's to work in her yard. Izak mowed while the rest picked apricots. Even Gwen! Taran and Timo usually help her but they were gone this week to EFY. They went in the hot tub after lunch. I met up with them after taking a van load of kids to EFY. For Family Night we had an Emergency Preparedness dinner--we all had to cook food from an alternative source--no stoves or ovens. We did a dutch oven cobbler but it took and 1 hour and a half instead of 45 minutes. We learned a lot and the food was actually really good. We had rainstorm come through so it got postponed a bit which worked to our favor with the cobbler.
I had a cold from Sunday so I was laying low most days. Thursday I felt best and took the kids to the Thanksgiving Point Animal Farm. It was fun and not too long. That night they spent the night at their Crane cousins. Emily made snitch cupcakes and they made butterbeer and treacle fudge at the Crane's in honor of Harry Potter's upcoming birthday Saturday. I spent that evening after dropping them off finishing a poster for a friend that had breast cancer surgery on Monday. She was coming home the next day. Tim and I decorated her house with pink crepe paper and balloons and a poster that neighbors signed. She called very grateful and emotional the next day--not sure who told her I did it! I guess I did something right this week!
Friday I picked up the kids from their cousins and the cousins came over here. Amy picked up her kids in the afternoon. By Friday my cold had settled into a cough. I was worried because I had a hike Saturday with my scouts. So Emily and Maddie took care of the kids except Gwen who played at Max's while I rested. I decided to go to Urgent Care and found out I had a sinus infection. I got the z-pack and started feeling better a couple of hours later.
Unfortunately the antibiotic loosened up the stuff and I coughed for an hour and a half until Nyquil kicked in. So I did not make it to the hike, fortunately we had extra parents going with my scout partner. I was bummed, I hope that they had fun. I am also glad that no one got hurt. I slept, as much as a mom can, until 1 PM. Tim took Emily to get her reading glasses ordered from Costco. Timo needed to get new church pants, church shoes, belt and shirt. Tim refused to take him so I got dressed and went with him. Timo practiced driving, he's having an easier time of it than Taran. I only had stamina for 2 stores so he had to borrow a shirt and belt from Tim for today. Taran went on a double date with his friend they took 2 girls from EFY. Then they went over to a friend's and played games later. Timo went to a girl's house for a party. Tim and I went out to eat for a quick date and the other kids watched the Lord of the Rings on Clearplay. They have been watching them all week and almost finished. I actually went to bed early--for me. But I coughed most of the night and Gwen and Zane came in and woke us up about being uncomfortable.
Poor Tim was suppose to teach today. I was so wiped out this morning I stayed home. Micah had a cough too so he stayed home with me--his is nice and juicy so productive where mine is a dry, nagging cough. Taran got up early this morning and went to the Tabernacle Choir broadcast with some friends from EFY. Tim ended up NOT teaching, to his relief, since they decided to combine with the Young Men and hear the amazing story of the only known person to survive Lou Gherig's disease. Tim told me the story, it is very amazing and inspirational. Tonight we are going to my mom's for dinner and plan our family reunion at Yellowstone. That is why I decided to write now. I will probably be too tired later. Happy August, stay cool!
Sorry you missed the hike and are still trying to get over the sinus infection. I hope you are feeling much better today!
I am sure you do MANY, MANY things right EVERY week, Rachelle!
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