WOW! I can't believe how many things happened this week! Monday, I took Izak, Micah, Zane and Gwen to see the final Shrek movie at the dollar movies--it was actually 75 cents. My mom heard and decided she'd like to join us as well. So we got her a ticket. It was entertaining and had a good message. Taran went to Salt Lake with friends from EFY. They spent the day seeing the sight watching the Joseph Smith movie, etc. One girl's grandpa is Bishop Edgley so they got to go to his office and one girl's uncle works at Temple Square and gave them a tour as well, they got to see some of the tunnels. We played a game for Family Night and everyone seem to enjoy it.
Tuesday morning Taran met Teresa at her school with his resume and to meet her head custodian. He hired Taran after a short introduction and interview. It was free day at Teresa's pool so we spent the day there. Taran and Timo joined for a bit too. My cousins Hiedi, Gwen and Jennifer came with their kids and my aunt Leslie, their mom. Katie and kids showed up after naps, Charl also came just before I left. It wasn't a very hot day so it quite pleasant to sit on the side while the kids played, Emily showed Zane how to swim so he is quite the little fish now that he isn't so nervous. I realized Monday that time was running out before school starts. I told Zane, Micah, Izak and Emily they could have late nights before we leave on our trip. So Zane had his Tuesday night. They had a lot of fun playing capture the flag, watching Sinbad and eating popcorn and treats.
Wednesday I went with my visiting teaching partner to help a lady I visit teach who had a mastectomy. She was having a rough morning, she found out that the cancer they took out was very serious so even though they think it's contained they feel she needs chemo to clean up any remaining cells. That was super disappointing. She has some family issues as well that make this news even more stressful. We were able to help her out and I think give her some peace of mind. It's amazing how good it feels to help others! That afternoon the other lady we visit teach needed some help since she is moving this week so after giving my kids lunch I helped her while my partner took her kids for the afternoon. I had scouts later that night and we got done rather early, that was nice!
Thursday I took Taran to the bank to get his own checking account. He needs it for direct deposit of his monthly pay. It took longer than I thought to get that set up and I went to Old Navy to return a t-shirt. I found they had a ton of good deals for back to school and decided to bring the kids back Friday. I also waited since I had a coupon that didn't start until Friday anyway. That afternoon Izak had his first fall soccer practice--here we go! This year only Izak, Micah and Zane are playing soccer. Micah just got recruited for a competition soccer team. Originally he was not going to play any soccer, just flag football, Jr Jazz basketball and lacrosse. Now he may not get to do lacrosse. His choice. Micah had his late night that night. It was huge, he had fun but next time won't have so many kids. They watched Down and Derby--movie about dad and pinewood derby cars, it's actually quite funny.
Friday morning I took the kids to Old Navy, Target and Walmart. I also spent time Saturday with Timo as well. I am almost done getting everyone what they need to start school.
Micah woke up in the night with a tummy ache so he stayed home. Tim stayed with him. They came for Gwen's first talk today. I got to see her. I was proud of her even though I couldn't hear what she was saying she stood and said it--with Tim helping her. I taught and came home to be with Micah. Emily was here too because of allergies and I had to put drops in her eyes when I got home. I guess I could have stayed at church. Today we are going to visit Tim's parents. His Uncle Fred died and they are leaving for his funeral tomorrow.
One comment about the weather, we have had crazy thunder and lightning storms all week. It's been nice to not have to water the garden! And it has kept it cool. I am posting a photo of Taran and Timo and their friends after they ran around in the rain!
One more week to get ready for school and our trip! Have a great week!