Time is flying by...it makes me a bit sad! This week we went to my sister's free guest day at the pool in her HOA. Taran and Timo opted out. We were there 5 hours. It was fun but I forgot water! I brought lunch and drinks. Katie brought her three little guys and Teresa helped out with them. Unfortunately I sprayed my own sunscreen on my back and I missed parts and got quite burnt, now I am super itchy and peeling. I am glad I can sleep on my back again!
Tuesday after going to the library, it was put the house back together since last week I madeover Emily's room and didn't get much more than survival things done. Emily went to the zoo for a friend's birthday. The kids had fun playing all over the neighborhood so I was able to get quite a bit done and some fun reading. I was suppose to get my hair done by my niece but she had gotten in a car accident and her arm was still pretty stiff. She was very lucky!
Wednesday I rented a couple of Redbox movies for the kids: Ponyo and Soccer Dog: European Cup. They watched Ponyo in the afternoon when it was hot. They watched the other movie Thursday afternoon when I was at the temple. Izak's last lacrosse game was that night so we all went but Taran and Timo who had scouts. It was fun but sad that the season was over. We tried to schedule a scrimmage with another team but it did not pan out. We only got to play 6 games over 2 months so it was dragged out with all the holidays. The team was really sweet and got Timo and Tim a gift card to Cold Stone for coaching them!
Thursday not sure what happened that day. Other than I went to the temple. That afternoon Timo and Taran had a dodgeball game and they had a blast. Taran had a Calculus Party after. His teacher is so awesome, 79% of the kids that took the AP Calculus test passed! The party was for all the students not just those who passed. Taran said that it was a lot of fun. He actually stayed to help clean up. Tim and I were a bit spontaneous and decided to go to the 'Sticky Shoe' Movie theater and see the A Team for cheap ($1.50)! It was a fun movie to watch. Some swear words and a couple of quick suggestive scenes so our kids will be watching it on ClearPlay.
Friday Tim had off in honor of the Pioneer Day on the 24th. He took Taran and Timo to Teresa's tennis courts--she met them there. They played for an hour--I guess they need some practice! I went and got my haircut and I got a facial and my eyebrows waxed at the Paul Mitchell Hair School. My niece is working on her license there. I loved the facial!!! I will do that again! That night Tim, Emily and I watched National Treasure, we love watching it in July!
Saturday we did the normal chores. I cut Taran's hair in between things. I think I threw away a pound of hair! Tim took Timo driving and then Zane to get a free ice cream he had earned for reading. (This was during school and I hate it when I forget so I have to pay or I feel guilty!)
I am so grateful for the pioneers. I can say that now but there was a time when I sick of pioneer stories. They were so depressing. Now I feel like they are inspirational. I am amazed at their faith, courage and perseverance. Especially as a parent, the challenges they had to face with children---we wouldn't have made it because we would have killed each other! Anyway, I am grateful to know that Heavenly Father knows what I can handle and it wasn't that. I am grateful they did. Even though I hate the winters of snow and freezing temperatures, Utah is an amazing place and those pioneers turned it into a bounteous place as well!
Oh, I think you would have made it as a pioneer! Although I know what you mean--sometimes on car trips I think someone is going to kill someone else. I'm very grateful for pioneers also. They endured so much, but they passed down to us their faith, determination, and endurance which we need so much to meet the spiritual challenges of our day and age!
Amen! Annette and thanks for thinking that of me!
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