You know the saying in like a lion and out like a lamb? Well, it's usually talking about the weather but I think this year it is talking about my life. This week was Dr. Seuss' birthday and it's our tradition to celebrate it. We had green eggs and bacon for ham and birthday cake. You can see in the collage some of it mingled with Izak's birthday which was Friday. Te kids loved getting to blow out the birthday cake candles together for Dr Seuss. I am not sure Gwen really got why we did it...
"Mommy, we blew out the candles because Dr Seuss couldn't?"
"Yep." I said.
Gwen, "Is he dead?"
"Yep" I said.
"But we are having cake for his birthday?"
"Yep, because we love his books and he can't be here to blow out the candles."
I should have said that mommy just likes any excuse to turn an everyday day into a fun party! I really enjoy those types of things.
Other happenings: scouts for me, cub scouts, basketball, lacrosse but only one day since the snow canceled the other days. Gwen went to her first birthday party her friend Sophie turned 3 and Sophie's mom took them to Del Taco and they played on the play stuff there and had lunch. Tim and I went to BYU to the Jazz Voices concert, it was pretty awesome! I had a Relief Society meeting to celebrate the Birthday of the RS. The food was delicious but the speaker later was Anita Stanfield, yes THE write. She was hilarious and also brought some great points that I am going to share in our devotional tonight. She really is an amazing person. I have never read her books but now I'd like to! If you ever have a chance to hear her GO! I may devote a post on her talk. All week I had little things to do to get ready for the baptism and Izak's birthday. It was a little crazy but with some tender mercies it all came together. We celebrated Tim, Izak and Micah's birthday Friday night thanks to my mom. She was going to have it at her house but I had made our made the van's battery die and it wouldn't go so everyone came here. Tim replaced the battery Saturday so we should be in business! I also got my hair cut by my niece Erika while Emily and Gwen were pampered--a fund raiser at Erika's school for charity. They had fun and I got my eye brows waxed too. Saturday was the baptism and it was a good as it gets. Taran was able to baptized Micah, Tim confirmed him. Izak gave one of the talks and did a great job. Tim and Emily sang and their song really brought the spirit into the meeting. It was a great day and when it was over I asked Taran how it felt to baptize Micah he said that it was better than his baptism. I am so grateful he was able to do that! We had lunch over at our house for all the family and friends who came. I bought too much but that's okay we have dinner ready for tonight! I felt so blessed, because this week was a bit tough but I knew it was just that Satan wanted us to be discouraged and disappointed with each other to ruin a special time but in the end it may have pulled us closer together--I think so! We'll see. We are NO where near perfect but Micah's baptism was a perfect moment!
I can't remember anymore, lucky you! So this is it for now, check out the collages and this great article about some of the missionaries in Chile and the earthquakehere. Our prayers are with all those around the world who are overcoming these natural disasters.
I've been thinking of you this past week and how it must be crazy for you with Izak's birthday, Micah's baptism, and Tim's birthday this week, as well as Micah's birthday and party just 2 weeks ago! Along with everything else you do. Micah's baptism was perfect--I felt the spirit there very strong. I wish I hadn't had to rush off from the luncheon--I didn't even get a chance to say congrats to Micah or Happy Birthday to Izak! Glad you made it through OK. There always seems to be opposition the week before a baptism! But it is definitely worth it.
Thanks for coming and bringing chips, it was a perfect moment in a not so perfect week! There are definitely some things I would do differently if I could start last week over! live and learn!
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