Monday, Tim and Taran were still gone on Choir Tour. They went to Disneyland that day. The Health Care Bill passed Sunday so quite a few of my FB friends and my family members were depressed. I don't blame them, I was very disappointed too. It makes no sense why they would pass a bill that really doesn't do what they say but it reforms student loans and what not else and takes away more freedom and liberty! I while ago I had to come to the conclusion that God is at the helm and I just need to trust Him or I would go crazy or get depressed! The movie Faith Like Potatoes has a great line "The condition for a miracle is difficulty. For a great miracle is impossibility". Love it! So watch the miracles, they will come! But we must keep vigilant and keep the faith!
The little boys had piano right after school. Emily had Seussical practice 4-9 PM and Timo had lacrosse practice 4-6 PM. So I took Gwen with to drop them off (luckily they weren't too far apart!)and the other boys were at friends. It was Gwen's turn for Family Night so we watched It's the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown. There was some grumbling from her brothers but it turned out fine.
Tuesday I helped at the school Zane's class, as usual. I also worked on some of my 'craft room' stuff that was ALL over the family room. I really wanted it done before Tim came back but that didn't happen! Tim and Taran arrived around 1:30 PM. Gwen, Zane and I picked them up at the high school. They were exhausted but had had a great experience! The kids were happy to see dad and Taran. Tim brought them back GIANT Disneyland lollipops! My dad hung out for awhile while my mom went to the temple. Timo's practice was canceled because we had a crazy arctic wind again so I just took Emily to her practice. That night I went to my first Caucus meeting. I have always wanted to go but it seems like I usually have something that night. It was very interesting and it turned out to be a lot longer than I thought. Tim picked up Emily for me and went to Taran and Timo's basketball game. And then he had to referee a game too. It was a late night after not sleeping much on their way home!
Wednesday Tim stayed home, sick. He slept a lot. Gwen had playgroup so I was able to get some things done that without feeling I was ignoring her! Emily had a Student Council meeting and picture day at play practice--busy! But she made it on time to everything. Timo had lacrosse practice and Izak had the first spring soccer game that night. They lost to a team that they had beat last fall--disappointing! I ahd to leave Izak's game to pick up Timo. Tim was busy with Zane's soccer practice. I worked more on the craft room. I am thinking I may have ran to the store too! Not important, I guess.
Thursday I had to run errands for a fundraiser at our school for the kindergarten teacher. Tim stayed home and worked from home that day and was feeling a bit better so I left Gwen to do it and I got it done fast! Taran was home sick this day. Emily missed piano that day since she had forgotten to practice since she has been having all these extra practices and then doing her homework after she gets home. If she were more organized she probably would have done it. Owell. It was opening night for her play so she didn't need to be there until 5:30 PM. I had to be there at 6:15 PM to take tickets at the door. They had a great turn out and I was able to watch the play once it started. It was very cute. Meanwhile Tim had to go find Izak and Micah since they left without telling us where they were going. So Izak was late to soccer practice and Pack Meeting. Tim went to Pack Meeting and went straight to Messiah practice after. I also finished my referee cards--I coordinate referees for our under 7 teams that play in our league. It's a little crazy but I am able to put my kids in as many games that they want to ref. It's the only perk. But worth it!
Friday Tim actually made it to work and Taran was back at school. He spent a bit of time in the afternoon on Prom Prep. After Kindergarten I took Gwen, Zane and Mark (Zane's friend who comes over on Fridays/Zane goes there on Wednesdays) to the dollar store and they each thought it was fun to pick out a dollar toy! Then another crazy storm hit while we were there so we were glad to get home. We weren't there long and Taran needed me to pay the dance ticket fee and picture fee for Prom. Don't get me wrong he also shelled out a nice chunk of change on his own. But since he doesn't have a steady job--his job is to get good grades in his classes he doesn't have enough to cover it all. So I had to drag those guys over there to give him the money. They were starving by the time we got back! Tim had a soccer practice for Timo and Taran's team but because of the poor weather and both Tim and Taran getting over their colds he canceled. Timo did not have a practice since the JV and Varsity teams had games. I did the 'green room' that night at Emily's play. Keith, Amber, Amy and Maddie all family members from our respective sides came and made Emily feel great--thanks! I took care of the Little Whos with another mom. I had brought some Dr Seuss books and that helped but some kids are just live wires! Luckily the play is about an hour and 15 minutes. I got to hear the crazy news of March Madness, upsets! It has been amazing this year! Izak is the only one in our family with a championship team that is in the final four!
Saturday started out early Tim had Messiah practice at 7 AM Emily went to the temple at 7:30 AM and Taran and Timo went an hour later. I packed up the kids for a 9 Am game that ended up getting changed to noon, lovely. It was chillier than it looked so Gwen who hates long pants and long sleeves was chilly at the games! Taran had the 'day date' which they had a picnic and played at a park with flour--yep! Then they picked up their dates 2 hours later to go to Benihanas. And then Prom was at the Capitol Buidling up the street from the restaurant. He had a great time and got home late. Zane had a game at 11 AM so Tim is the coach so he went, of course. I took Micah, Gwen and Izak to Izak's game at 11:30 AM. Then I left Gwen with my friend Melissa who's son plays with Izak and took Micah to his game at noon. Then we went back to Micah's game after Izak's was over. Izak's game was close they lost 4-3. Micah's team also struggled but they don't keep track since he is still in rec. Then I stopped at Wendy's got them lunch and headed to the florist to get Taran's corsage for his date. Meanwhile Tim picked up Timo after Zane's game which (they didn't do too great either) to take him to his first lacrosse game. The league goofed and all our games are away! This one was in Lehi at 1 PM. Timo played well, had fun but they barely lost 7-6. BTW Izak refereed 9-10:30 AM (Emily came and relieved him part way through so he wouldn't be too tired later for his game then Emily refereed until 1PM and then walked over to a friend's to see her new kittens! Once Tim got home Emily & I left for Salt Lake to see the Young Woman's Broadcast in the Conference Center. After many crazy delays which made Emily stressed we got there and ate a delight dinner at the Nauvoo Cafe--a little rushed but still yummy. The meeting was amazing I especially enjoyed the music and President Utchdorf's talk. Emily really liked his too! We stopped at JCW's on the way home for a shake. Then we piddled around the house getting ready for choir on Sunday and such while we waited for Taran.
Gwen got up in the night like she does almost every night now--I think she needs to use the bathroom but we can't get her too. It was not fun on soo little sleep. We got a new bishop today. He was a counselor to our bishop who got put in the stake presidency. The new counselor is the YM president so more changes to come! The bishop is our neighbor, a great guy, we love the family, he was on choir tour with Tim. His wife and I are good friends--we got Eclipse together at midnight whenever that came out! Taran is really good friends with their 2 oldest sons--one was in the band and the other has gone on all the dance dates with him. They have 2 daughters similar ages with Emily and Micah and so they did playgroup together. We have a lot of amazing men in our neighborhood who could have been called. The Stake President even said that after he called him. We had several things this afternoon and the Messiah tonight. It was amazing--full orchestra just from local neighborhood people! I had a hard time staying awake at times but the Hallelujah chorus brought tears to my eyes! They also encouraged everyone who wanted to join in and had the words. It was a lot of work but I think it was worth it! (not on my part just all those in it!:)
March is almost over and so far we still have a lion around here! Take care and maybe this week I can get back to my Freedom Friday posts!
On this collage you can see Taran and his date Sara on our porch--goofy smile! Emily & I at the conference center and Emily with that cool sculpture thingy. Some friends from Chico I saw last weekend The Ramsdens at my friend Lori's. Gwen and Zane with their lollipops. Emily with Maizy and Jojo from Suessical Jr!