for inspirational books...I was going to try to make these photos into a collage but it was just taking too long. These are only some of the books I have found over the years that have changed my heart in one way or another. They have inspired me to do better at being me and have inspired me to change how I treat others, in a more kind and loving way. They give me hope in myself and others. I know that if I put into practice those things that I have read I will be a happier and more fulfilled person. (They are: The Book of Mormon, Three Cups of Tea, Left to Tell and The Peacegiver). I love to read and these are just a few of the books at the top of my inspired list but I have many favorites that are fantasy and children's literature that I enjoy and that inspire me through their characters who over come evil and/or different challenges to become better and keep their virtue intact.
Hopefully we take time each day to be uplifted by good literature but especially scriptural literature. The Book of Mormon has been a boon of strength for me in many a trial for over 20 years. It testifies of Jesus Christ and his ministry and works with the Bible to testify of His divinity as the Son of God. If you haven't read it, try it, pray about it and you will come to know as I have and many others that it is a true book. We are so blessed in this country to have so much literature at our finger tips so many in other countries can not afford books. I can't imagine my life without them and so I am very grateful for what they have done for me.
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