So what are the chances that I would have seven kids and only 2 of them be girls? And that they would be nine years apart and have their birthdays not only in the same month but within a day of each other? I am sure what those chances are very slim but Gwen was very close to being born on Emily's birthday but she couldn't wait! She was 10 days early as it was! She tried to come on Friday the 13th. Yes, it was a dreaded Friday the 13th in October I started having contractions close together that afternoon-early evening. But I had had a scare earlier in the week because I was not ready so I went out and got everything I would really need after that scare! I was up all night in labor but really didn't go past 15 minutes apart. But they were strong enough to keep me awake. Finally after 7 AM they stopped and I finally slept. Tim took care of everything since I was a zombie. He had stayed up with me as well so I know he was also exhausted. In the afternoon the labor pains started again but without a pattern or consistency. I was concerned, this being my 7th I knew that meant my body was tired and so it couldn't get into a good rhythm of labor. My parents had been in Idaho visiting family there and got back Saturday. They came by our house about 9 PM and I shared my concerns with them. I asked my dad to give me a blessing. Tim had already given me one during the previous night but he thought it was a good idea to have my dad give me one then. In it he told me that I would have the people helping me that would know what to do for my situation. And many other things that comforted me and helped me face what I knew was coming...labor. My mom said that she would take my dad home and come back and take care of the kids because I would be going to the hospital by then. I wasn't sure but Tim thought it was a good idea. So sure enough by the time she showed up I was ready to go--although I was not thinking that I get kind of crazy in that stage and don't think it's time to go. Tim and/or my mom have to say, "okay, it's time to go!" They know the signs. So we got to the hospital and the I was to 5 and progressing so they admitted me. The labor and delivery nurse had had 6 children her last 2 with an epidural the others with out medication. I told her how exhausted I was etc. I told her I was considering an epidural since I had not ever needed one before (I usually have my babies within an hour of arrival to the hospital). She told me the benefits one being I could sleep and then be rested enough to push the baby out. She that they could make it light enough that I would be able to feel to push and have use of my legs afterward. So I decided to do that. It took 4 tries but they finally got it to work! Then I slept. Just after midnight she checked me and I was close enough she turned off the epidural. The Nurse Midwife came in to deliver and I couldn't feel to push the first time. She checked Gwen's head and she was turned so she turned it the right way, and I pushed and this time I could feel it. She popped out the second push! The nurse midwife said that she would have probably come on her own if she hadn't been turned. After I nursed her I showered the epidural had worn off by then. It was great and I was able to go back to sleep!
She is a wonderful little girl, our Gwen and we feel so very blessed she is in our family! I included some of my favorite photos of her first year the top being the photo done in the hospital.
Beautiful pictures! She is so cute. I thought it would be fun to try out an epidural on my last one...but he came too fast, oh well!
She is so cute! Glad she got here safe and sound.
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