I remember the day...I had just said good bye to my 2 little boys. They were walking to school. I started to clean up from breakfast. The phone rang, it was Tim. "Turn on the radio." "What?" "Turn on the radio." "Why?" "Someone just just flew a plane into the Twin Towers..." "What???" I turned on the radio we had in the kitchen. The announcers kept saying, "We think this is a terrorist attack." Then not too much later "another plane has gone down at the Pentagon." Then the last plane went down in Pennsylvania. Luckily it did not go down where it could hurt more people than on the plane. Later when more was known those captive aboard would be some of the greatest heroes of the day. The shock, the horror. What is going on? It was something unimaginable. I couldn't stop crying. My little girl almost four (in the photo above the day after) wondered why I was crying...how do you explain THAT???? Who would do such a thing? It was a dark day. I remember wondering, what kind of world are my children going to have? It changed everything. But hearing how other heroes of the day acted at ground zero touched my heart. These are true Americans, selfless, brave, and true. The outpouring of kindness from everywhere, even abroad. This is humanity at it's best after humanity at it's worst.
I don't claim to know why God let this happen. I know He could have stopped them, one plane was stopped but not without a cost. But what I do know is that since God let it happen it is for a reason, one we may never know in this life. Let us not forget what we learned that day and the day after. Let us remember our blessings and the sacrifices others made that day...
I say thank you to the heroes of that day for reminding me of the person I want to be. Someone who would do anything to help another in need or protect others. So here I am today, because of other heroes long past and close by who with their families sacrifice so my kids have a safer world. Thank you with all my heart. I promise not to forget.
I have a lot of the same feelings you have today. I always remember--I'll never forget!
One of the good things I remember from that horrible time was how united we all were afterwards. Everyone was kinder. And it was O.K. to be religious. Too bad we had to have such a tragedy for that to happen. Wish we could get that unity back WITHOUT another tragedy! We must not let our children forget about that day--and all the others who have sacrificed so we can enjoy blessings and freedom.
Well said Rachelle
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