A couple of years ago I stopped buying the school pictures and decided we could do better--you seriously had to see these photos they were crooked, and had a all sorts of weird smiles, and of course, expensive.
So here is our latest attempt, that's how we spent our last family night. For some reason Timo's black and white version is not in the file.
Taran and Timo are swamped with school work, especially Taran with 2 APs (US History & AB Calculus), Physics and Spanish 4. His schedule puts me to shame! The other kids seem to like their teachers and I think this week they might actually start doing homework. I barely got to all the teachers at Back to School Night since I have 4 at the school this year but I did get lucky in that the kindergarten Back to School Night is Tuesday. I didn't bother with the High School or Jr High ones since I had things going on already those nights.
Gwen is bored and I am not sure how we are going to handle Zane being gone. She is in a playgroup and a dance class and I'll post pictures soon of those!
Soon I'll post soccer photos, I am just missing a few pictures--some kids are making it hard to get their photo taken! We have 5 games most Saturdays and a couple during the week and practices. It's all manageable since it's nearby and we have neighbors who can help out! Emily and Izak are refereeing this year and I coordinate referees for 3 fields. There have actually been some issues with a coach this year that will be resolved soon--I hope!!
Big news Taran asked a friend to Homecoming last week. Now he and his friends are trying to plan it. I am excited for him to go on his first date. It should be fun, we knew this girl when we lived in Orem, they were our neighbors but that was 13 years ago. Luckily we have kept in touch and they moved to Highland not too far from where we are so he was able to get reacquainted. They have Spanish 4 together.
I wish I had time to write about everything that has been going on but so much has happened that it's too much and some should not be shared. In a nutshell it has been a very stressful 2 weeks and starting school just added to the stress. I am optimistic that if I can get rid of my cold which I am sure was brought on by the stress not to mention a couple of pounds I may have gained while emotionally eating!) I will have a better disposition to handle the next wave of stress. Can I just say that I am grateful for prayer and it's power to bless and comfort my life!
Cute pictures. :) I need to update some I have in my house, but haven't planned yet when to do it. I wonder if I can try and pull it off tonight?!
Hope you feel better soon. We missed Gwen in Nursery yesterday.
so nice! Such a good idea too. :)
I'm going to try taking my kids' pictures this year. Yours look great! Hang in there--I'm sorry there is so much stress in your life! I hope you feel better soon!
I gave up on school photos quite a few years ago since they were so awful. Then one year they got a new photographer and they sent the proofs home if you didn't pre-pay and they were wonderful so I bought them and was so excited because they were lots cheaper than the photo studio (we are not talented enough nor do we have a decent camera to do it on our own.) Unfortunately, then we moved here to Utah and are back to a horrible school photographer! Sorry your last few weeks have been so stressful. I hope the next few are extra calm!
Hang in there!!!
Good Job! I appreciated your testimony on Sunday. You are such a wonderful person!
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