So I've let everything go...it's not my fault, really! My in-laws gave me a new book for my birthday: The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale (she did the Goosegirl/Bayern Series and the Princess Academy)who happens to be one of my favorite authors. This book is an adult novel, it was AWESOME it was very surprising so I couldn't put it down! I won't divulge too much because I was very surprised by the whole thing. Just borrow it from me or the library! Thanks Mom and Dad Pew!
I went to see Harry Potter 6 HP and the Half-Blood Prince with Tim and the kids minus Taran who was hiking King's Peak (the highest Peak in Utah) and Gwen who was at my sister-in-law's Amy--thanks Amy! I enjoyed the movie, I've resigned myself to the fact that these movies will never be as good as JK Rowling's writing, how could they? But they are entertaining and well done, overall. It will be interesting to see how they tie up lose ends since they didn't include some things I consider important to the story but I am not the screenwriter am I? I am sure it is a huge challenge to produce a movie from books that have such a huge following. People are never going to be satisfied because the books just are amazing. So if you haven't seen it yet and plan to, just go and enjoy the movie. I found it refreshingly funny which was a nice surprise.
My sister, Teresa, who is a 5th grade teacher gave me a book to read called Chains by Laurie Halse Andersen. I loved her book Fever 1793 so I was excited to read another book by her. I haven't finished it yet but so far she's got me sucked in--who'd a thought historical fiction could be so fun! or should I say riveting. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy history but some people write it so boring unlike Laurie!
So if you happen by, give me a break. I have barely kept the kids fed and clean this week!:)
Those books sound interesting--I will have to look them up!
I feel similar to you about the movies. I just read the first book last weekfor the first time. I'm looking forward to reading them with Kenna and Erika.
I absolutely loved Chains, did you know it's the first of a trilogy?
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