So I have this love/hate relationship with Mother's Day. As a young mother I enjoyed it. I enjoyed hearing about inspiring mothers and the importance of being a good mother. Now as I am in my 16th year of being a mother I find I dread the guilt that comes with the day. Who wants to celebrate their inadequacies? Nothing has made me feel more like a "loser" than being a mom. Don't get me wrong it's not the job, it's that the job is SO important that I can't help but be humbled daily by my bumblings. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart, it's not for the timid, it is not for the shy but for the brave, loyal, determined soul who can also add nurturing, love and compassion to the mix. Also patience, it goes a long way and is one thing I have found I am in great need of it. Yes, motherhood has exposed all my weaknesses but I hope someday it will help me become the kind of person I want to be: more patient, more kind and nurturing. I love my kids, that's not a problem it's how I show that love in balance with my other duties of discipline and reproving. I enjoy watching my kids experience new things, develop new talents and enjoy life.
I took this photo of my mom while we went out for lunch last Friday. My mom told me everyday she loved me. It is one of the best things she ever did for me. She has been a wonderful mom and a fantastic grandmother. I am grateful to her and hope I can someday merit the love we children feel toward her from my own children. Because to tell you the truth, they probably wonder why we celebrate Mother's Day before Father's Day!
So Happy Mother's Day! Please know that someday all your hard work in loving and nurturing others--whether as their mother or as an, aunt, cousin or friend has made a difference in the world. Besides my mother I have a wonderful sister, mother-in-law, sister-in-laws, friends and even daughters who nurture me as well as my own mother and today I will celebrate their goodness more than my weaknesses!
When did you change your thingy? Cute picture!
Good thoughts. I feel the same way about motherhood and Mother's Day.
What a beautiful photo! I think you are a great mom! I agree; motherhood brings out the worst and the best that is in us. I try to focus on the good, as well as the progress I've made over the years. I also need to develop more patience, but I can look back and see that I'm a lot more patient now than I was when I first became a mother. I'm sure you have changed for the better a lot also!
What a great picture! I know we are always the hardest on ourselves. I know you see yourself much different than the rest of us see you. I see all the wonderful qualities a mom should have right there in you!!! I always loved mingling with you because I learned everytime something new or better that I should/could be doing. If you are suffereing as a mom then I would hate to think what my poor children have to deal with in me! I think you are absolutely amazing, perfect maybe not, no one is,but in no way do your children suffer. I salute you for being a wonderful mother, weaknesses and all!!!
Thanks I took it with my camera on my phone! I am amazed since it's like 2 megapixels! But I guess since it's close shot it worked!
I too have a love hate relationship with mother's day. I feel like I am surrounded by wonderful intelligent moms, but I feel like I am a horrible mother constantly failing at important things, and I just got started. So looking towards the future sometimes worries me. I hope someday to be as good of a mom as mine is.
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