Timo had his wisdom teeth out last Friday. He went back to school on Tuesday but he swelled up pretty good compared to Taran. Just the stitches really bother him but they will dissolve in time. He didn't have as easy time with it but I blame his age, I think the younger you are the harder it is on your body. If he hadn't been in pain from them growing I would have waited, I could use that money for something more fun!:)
We are in the throws of soccer and baseball but the weather has made both sporadic. Owell. Still no sign of peas or spinach, my mom tells me not to worry. My tulips are working hard to emerge. I planted some pansies in pots yesterday, I hope they survive the wind and rain!
We thoroughly enjoyed General Conference, for 'mormons' it's a meeting held 2 times a year where some of our church leaders and our prophet and apostles give talks which are always inspirational and uplifting. These are broadcasted via satellite and over the internet or you can get tickets to attend them in person. You do not have to be a 'mormon' to watch or attend the sessions. I am always sad when it's over. Tim and Taran went out to dinner Saturday before the Priesthood Session since Timo was still barely eating he stayed home. They went to the Hibachi House it is amazing and Taran concurred! They went to the Priesthood session with Tim's dad.
Sunday after General Conference we shared dinner at our friends the Hallsted's. Their son went into the Missionary Training Center yesterday. He is going to Argentina-Rosario. So we had carne asado, empanadas (filling in won ton skins, I was too lazy to make the dough!), pasta frola, ensalada russa, ensalada de cebolla y tomate, mashed potatoes and bread. It was great fun to share this cultural experience with them and my kids! So I included a photo of the pasta frola at their house.
Monday I went with the preschool group to the Monte Bean Museum at BYU. I brought Gwen she loved it and we all enjoyed learning more about the reptiles during the reptile show.
Gwen and Emily have been sick this week, I included a photo of them asleep on the couch, together!
Taran and his band Northern Knights played at the YM/YW combined activity last night. I had scouts so I didn't go I hope I ever see the video of it. I heard them practice and here is a photo of them practicing in our garage the day before minus the drummer. My little kids sat and watched! The activity was a lip sync concert 80's was the theme so after the band played each group did a lip sync and Tim saw it and said Timo and Taran's group was the best! Of course!
I have a photo of my Easter decor, also have an egg wreath on the door. Not too exciting but we have been reading from the last week of the Savior's life and it has been very touching to me. It's our yearly tradition, if you have time read Elder Holland's talk in General Conference it gave me such a feeling of gratitude for our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Gwen & Holly tu tu girls!!!
I wanted to update this since Taran turns 16 tomorrow!
1 comment:
I hope we are all done with wisdom teeth for a while! I enjoyed all the cute pictures of your kids. Elder Holland's talk was my favorite. You have more Easter decorations than I do--I don't have any!
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