So I just thought I'd share that I have a new calling. I am an 11 year old scout leader now! I work with a couple, they actually teach a Primary class on Sundays too. So I am very excited. I'll be honest when I was a young mother and in a Primary Presidency and I was in charge of the nursery, sunbeams, the Sacrament Meeting program and music I was REALLY glad that I wasn't over cub scouts! It was a HUGE mystery to me. What I remembered from cub scouts from my younger brothers was pine wood derby and spagetti dinners. So the unknown was intimidating to me. Well, once my oldest turned 8 and became a cub scout, I thought, Hey this looks fun!!! I became a WEBELOS leader just as Taran turned 11. It was a blast and I cried when I got released. I was so happy they finally called me to something in scouts again! I have met with the boys twice and they are active but fun and good. I love the Hallsteds they are great people just very busy--more than me! We have some organizing to do but I look forward to lots of good times!!!
This is a photo of me with my WEBELOS my co-leader Jane (and a couple of dads) and our boys as we snow shoed to Stewart Falls--just past Sundance. It was a great experience! Those boys are all 14 now!
I will totally admit, I am scared and intimidated by scouts.....I hope that they wait until I have one of my own to put me in that calling! :)
If your 11 year old scouts need a service project, the nursery toys would LOVE to be disinfected by some willing hands! ;)
You are a saint!!! I don't know what it is about those scouts, but they wear me out! Maybe I'm just worried that they will think that I am lame, but scouts is so stressful to me. You are so awesome and your ward is lucky to have you guys!
How fun! I've always wanted to be a Webelos leader! 11 year old scouts would be fun too, I think.
I think since I have 5 boys it's a natural fit!
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