So I realize I've posted a ton of photos but it's been a great, busy time! We have had a blast going to Christmas concerts: Timo's (seen with Louw grandparents and Aunt Teresa), Taran's (not in the photo but Pew grandparents with Emily), The Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert (Emily with Louw grandparents), Lone Peak High School Chamber Singers came to our ward party and Taran and I went to the Madrigal Feaste at the high school put on by the Chamber Singers and the Acapella Choir. All the concerts were amazing! Taran and I loved the food and we were right in front of the 'stage', we had to eat with our hands since we didn't buy a fork. They sang and put on a clever skit. It was an incredible experience. My mom's friend had 4 tickets to the MOTAB so Tim and Emily went with since I was busy with Enrichment that night. They loved it, I included a photo of the lights at Temple Square that Tim took with his camera phone. We enjoyed our ward party (Timo & Jonah, Emily won a candy bar and the Chamber Singers) until Santa made his appearance at the end and Gwen freaked. So I naturally took her picture as Tim consoled her and took her home. The other kids were eager to get their photo taken with Santa. When we got home someone had left a bag as part of the 12 days of Christmas, we have been getting stuff everyday and it has been so fun! We went to the lights at Thanksgiving Point, our nephews Jeremy and Ammon went with us. It was really fun to be with kids who get excited by the lights and everything. Last Saturday we had a storm blow in and it dumped on us today (Tuesday) so it was actually enough to sled in and attempt a snowman. The kids loved it! I didn't get the kids sledding since I had to make dinner. We've been doing some secret service stuff too and that seems to have helped spread Christmas cheer around here. It's been fairly relaxing and exciting all at once how? I am not sure how to else to explain it! I hope you are enjoying your holidays too! I hope I can get a good photo tomorrow of the mountains with the snow, they are so beautiful!
Someone's been doing 12 Days of Christmas for us, too; it is fun! The funny thing is, we're doing the same thing for someone else!
That's awesome! I am just not that organized!
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