It’s been an amazing year! Less masking, more traveling, another baby joined the on to find out the details.
9th grade, last year in junior high
Interests: baking, sewing, Ultimate Frisbee, kayaking, shopping, friends
New: ASL, K-Pop especially BTS, K-dramas, first school dance (Halloween), flew for the first time, boogie boarded, snorkeled
Donated hair to charity
Interests: sports, playing Ultimate Frisbee, straight As, AP Calc & AP Gov & Pol, school dances, friends, State Champs in Boys Ultimate Frisbee, YCC 2nd place in national club tournament Spirit Award w/ best friend
New: worked at Taco Bell over the summer, boogie boarded, snorkeled
Permanently reassigned to the Columbus, Ohio Mission (originally called to Peru)
Loving the people and friends he’s made, learning to have humility
Powerful testimony of Jesus Christ
Currently serving on the campus at OSU!
Works full time, returned to old job at CIT and now works in a group home mentoring teenagers
Took some online music writing classes by Ryan Tedder, Charlie Puth & Kygo, he's written some sweet songs
He's also DJed some dances and enjoys sharing his music knowledge with others
He moves out in December and starts college in January through BYU Pathways
Dating a great guy and has great roommates
Still enjoys creative photography and passed her passion of K-dramas and K-pop on to Gwen and some of Gwen’s friends (they order Cupbop and watch k-dramas when she’s in town)
Megan & Timo
Are first time parents to beautiful Autumn. Autumn has Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and was born with omphalocele. They knew of her omphalocele at her ultrasound to find out her sex. They handled the news with courage and grace. She has been in our prayers daily from that day. She’s been a miracle with all her situations since birth being best-case no matter the problem. We are so grateful. At the time of this writing she no longer has a feeding tube, just oxygen that she might be able to get rid of after her next cardiology appointment, Timo keeps stats on Autumn and continues to play tennis with Tim whenever possible. Megan is a wonderful mother and they are a great team in taking care of Autumn.
Taran, Quinn, Adrian & Lisa
Busy with raising the two busy, darling boys. Working hard to save for a home some day. Taran is in the Elder's quorum Presidency in his ward and Lisa is in the Relief Society Presidency. Adrian started preschool this year. Both boys are obsessed with Batman thanks to Lego Batman.
Felt like she should quit her job at the local bookstore, Deseret Book. She was sad about it and misses her friends but is grateful for the friends and blessings that came from that experience. About a month after quitting she got mono, she then got it again in May after catching a bad cold. It has been a heck of a year of getting healthy but with some good doctors she feels blessed for where she is at this point. She teaches Primary--the 5 year olds at church, tries to go to the temple weekly, yoga daily, walking on good weather or good energy days and helps with the Service Club at the Junior High and High School. Adrian and Quinn come on Wednesdays so life is pretty full without a job. She’s happy she can walk 3 miles at a time which just a couple of months ago was not possible and is hoping to get more use out of her snowshoes this year!
Is happy to be back singing with the Tabernacle Choir on Temple Square. They are tested for COVID before each practice and performance. He works from home most of the time. He plays tennis with Timo or his friend Ryan when weather permits and sometimes basketball with co-workers. He did a lot of work on our basement bathroom and it looks fantastic. He and Zane went to the BYU vs. Utah game and it was the perfect game for them to attend! He is in the middle of fixing our dishwasher and is the handiest guy. We celebrated our 30th anniversary by going to Hawaii and it was fantastic. We seriously would love to live on Kauai.
We have had some fun experiences this year. In June, Tim and Zane flew to Minnesota for a bunch of Ultimate Frisbee games organized by Edina. Normally it would have been high school nationals but because of covid they canceled again. Zane’s team did fantastic and it gave them great experience to build on for this coming year, they’re hoping to go back this coming summer and win! Zane also went to Oregon the week after the Minnesota trip to play in the Oregon state tournament (they didn’t have enough teams so they invited a couple of out-of-state teams). They had a great experience there as well.. Some of us went to San Diego with my side of the family. We enjoyed the beach, kayaking, Legoland, the Zoo, Belmont Park, SeaWorld and the Mormon Battalion Museum. Zane flew out of San Diego to Minnesota in August for his YCC or club team of Utah All Stars. It was already mentioned that they came in second so they would like to take first in this national tournament next year. In October Tim and Rachelle flew to Kauai with her parents. Then later they flew to Oahu and picked up Gwen and Zane, we met up with our friends the Wykstras at Pearl Harbor. We spent a few days there and then flew back to Kauai to finish out the trip. It was an amazing experience. We are grateful to Rachelle’s parents for making it possible.
It might seem like we have a perfect life, we don’t .No one has a perfect life. Here we are sharing our highlights.. We can’t help but feel very blessed for our Savior who continues to comfort us and bring us peace through our challenges. We are better for our challenges because they draw us closer to each other and our Savior, Jesus Christ. May you and those you love feel His very real love for you this Christmas and always! Love, The Pews
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Zane & Tim at BYU vs. Utah game |
Zane playing in Minnesota |
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Mini golfing at Belmont Park in San Diego |
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PCC on Oahu |
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Queen's bath Kauai |