Hey everyone,
This year has certainly been one for the history books. But seriously, at some point in the next life, I’m convinced that we’re going to find out that 2020 was caused by a group of extremely incompetent time-travellers. How else can we explain the sudden appearance or disappearance of the murder hornets? Or that Poland accidentally invaded the Czech republic? Or that the Pentagon released 3 videos of UFOs? It sounds to me like there’s someone who keeps trying to prevent further disasters, but ends up causing more harm than good.
Despite this year being...well...what it’s been for all of us, we’ve had some good times. A definite highlight was finally making it to Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah with Rachelle’s side of the family. The trip included a few short hikes, lots of pretty red rock, horseback riding, a truly epic dance party/lip-syncing contest, and lots of swimming.
We’ve also had quite a few milestones with our kids.
(27) graduated this spring with a degree in Spanish and a minor in political science. He started a new job at the end of November with a software company, Avetta. He works in HR.. He and his wife Lisa also welcomed a second baby, Quinn Asher, in the latter end of July. He is what they call a “chunky monkey” and has the world’s cutest sneezes (trust us). Lisa has kept busy with her crafts, starting a YouTube channel, and most of all her boys. Adrian turned 3 at the beginning of November and is still a high-energy, spunky kid who loves swords, Captain America, dinosaurs, dump trucks, and strong female role models such as Mulan and Elsa. We had a fun summer with him around as he helped us pick strawberries and water the plants, and he watched G-Pa mow the lawn. We sure love him!Timo (25)
also graduated with his masters in statistics, as well as his wife Megan, who majored in biology & conservation. Timo and Megan worked at BYU all summer and they also enjoyed many adventures of the outdoor variety -- hiking and camping and photography. Megan has also spent time refinishing a table and some chairs for their new apartment, and they’re looking pretty sharp. In August, Timo landed a job with Exact Sciences as a data scientist and their family moved to Salt Lake to be closer to the office (even though it’s remote work for now). Eventually, they could relocate to Wisconsin, where the company’s headquarters are, but they are happy to let him work closer to us for now, which we’re grateful for.
Emily (23) has spent most of this year working as a recruiter for a subcontractor of the Department of Defense. It’s a remote position she’s able to do from anywhere, so the pandemic hasn’t messed up her life schedule too drastically. She also moved to Rexburg in September, where she is pursuing a degree in horticulture and floral design at BYU-Idaho. Aaaaaand that’s really everything. She hopes that next year, her life is more exciting to talk about. It’s been a real step down from last year’s world travels. Thanks, Corona.
(20) has been in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia over the past couple of years. He is completing his mission in the middle of December. He has served as a zone leader, a district leader, and a trainer of new missionaries. Because of the Coronavirus, he has been quarantined for the past eight or so months in an attempt to keep the missionaries safe, but his testimony about how the work has continued to progress despite the challenges of the day is inspiring to us!
(17) is in his junior year and enjoys all things music, sports, and politics. He, like his brothers before him, is involved in the high school’s ultimate frisbee club team, and this year, he made the A-Team (which is equivalent to the varsity level for normal sports). He hopes that the pandemic will be under control enough to let him participate in the various tournaments the team usually attends across the country. He had his first date and many since. He is a hard worker and always gets his homework done.
(14) is in eighth grade, and she started playing ultimate frisbee this year as well! This was pleasantly surprising to her brothers, but she’s been having a lot of fun with it. She even recruited several of her friends to join her, and her 5v5 team won the middle school tournament. During the summer, she had girls’ camp in her backyard with several friends. They did a lot of fun things, including kayaking and space camp. She is also liking her Spanish class and her woodworking class. She has continued with her sewing and her baking -- she made pajama pants and a skirt in her sewing class that she was very proud of. She has also been expanding her ankle boot collection.
(750) is enjoying watching General Conference from home, but he’s bummed about the Tabernacle Choir’s tour to Scandinavia being postponed. He’s been working from home since the quarantine, and has enjoyed the extra time to play tennis with various adversaries. The most bitter of these is Timo, who has begun to overtake him in skill, but this is only because Timo is still a callow youth. He doesn't mind working at home and is thoroughly enjoying BYU Football being ranked this year!
is still enjoying her job at Deseret Book working in the distribution center. She still loves to have her grandbabies close to her. As always, she has fun serving others and almost remembering everyone’s birthdays. She still does yoga almost everyday and enjoyed several new hikes with friends and Tim this year. She’s read or listened to a bazillion books this year thanks to her Bookshelf App.
I’d like to thank Emily for doing our family update this year!
We hope you and your family are doing well! We hope you are healthy and happy. We are so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ who has brought us much peace and hope during this bizarre year. Despite the challenges we have much to thank God for: our health, our livelihood, our family and our friends. We know as we focus on Him and his love, example and teachings we can find joy despite what is going on around us! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Much love, The Pews