Pew Family Year in Review 2018
Wow! What a year of ups and downs. But that’s life, right? I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have
one thing or more that is a challenge they are dealing with. But one thing that is also consistent is God.
He and His son, Jesus Christ have been there with me all along. Guiding me and lifting me and
bringing me tender mercies that make the challenges bearable. I notice I am a better person for these
challenges. I am developing attributes that I would not have developed otherwise. We lost Tim’s dad in
April. He had had some health challenges so it wasn’t wholly unexpected but still you always hope the
person recovers. It was great to have Tim’s siblings and most of the grandkids here for the funeral.
In July we had a great reunion during the summer at a house in Mapleton with almost all the Gerald
Pew posterity. We bought the Pew, Pew, Pew shirts for that event. Good purchase. My mom had a
pacemaker put in in January. She’s been weak all year and is just now starting to feel less weak but
probably won’t get much stronger than she is. It has been hard for her to limit her activities, she wants
to help everyone and go to everything even though her energy level isn’t there. Some of us were able
to spend time in St. George with her and Jay in August and that was a fun week. We are blessed to
live near family!
one thing or more that is a challenge they are dealing with. But one thing that is also consistent is God.
He and His son, Jesus Christ have been there with me all along. Guiding me and lifting me and
bringing me tender mercies that make the challenges bearable. I notice I am a better person for these
challenges. I am developing attributes that I would not have developed otherwise. We lost Tim’s dad in
April. He had had some health challenges so it wasn’t wholly unexpected but still you always hope the
person recovers. It was great to have Tim’s siblings and most of the grandkids here for the funeral.
In July we had a great reunion during the summer at a house in Mapleton with almost all the Gerald
Pew posterity. We bought the Pew, Pew, Pew shirts for that event. Good purchase. My mom had a
pacemaker put in in January. She’s been weak all year and is just now starting to feel less weak but
probably won’t get much stronger than she is. It has been hard for her to limit her activities, she wants
to help everyone and go to everything even though her energy level isn’t there. Some of us were able
to spend time in St. George with her and Jay in August and that was a fun week. We are blessed to
live near family!
Here are some more highlights of each person:
Gwen (12) is in her last year of elementary school, 6th grade.
She’s a great friend to all and a conscientious student.
6th grade Service Club is the highlight of her week.
She loved being in the musicals Mary Poppins and Seussical this year
with the Cedar Hills Youth Theater. She made new friends and
learned to audition even though it caused her great anxiety. She was
super sad when her last show ended. She took a baking
class this summer along with her sewing class. She continues
to take piano and loves learning Christmas music. She’s a
fabulous aunt to Adrian and he has said her name. He's always super happy to see her!
Zane (15) is in his last year of junior high--9th grade. He had a blast playing Jr. Jazz with his friends and then playing on the middle school Ultimate Frisbee team for Lone Peak. They won the state
championship, there wasn’t much competition. He also played on
the high school B team. He missed the state tournament because
She’s a great friend to all and a conscientious student.
6th grade Service Club is the highlight of her week.
She loved being in the musicals Mary Poppins and Seussical this year
with the Cedar Hills Youth Theater. She made new friends and
learned to audition even though it caused her great anxiety. She was
super sad when her last show ended. She took a baking
class this summer along with her sewing class. She continues
to take piano and loves learning Christmas music. She’s a
fabulous aunt to Adrian and he has said her name. He's always super happy to see her!
Zane (15) is in his last year of junior high--9th grade. He had a blast playing Jr. Jazz with his friends and then playing on the middle school Ultimate Frisbee team for Lone Peak. They won the state
championship, there wasn’t much competition. He also played on
the high school B team. He missed the state tournament because
he broke his elbow riding a mountain bike for scouts preparing for
their big biking trip through southern Utah in June. That was a
bummer for sure because he couldn’t bike either. He had a nice
bionic brace that was a pretty penny that insurance didn’t cover so
if you need one, we have one. He also sings in choir and plays the
piano. He is the best at being disciplined and we appreciate his diligence in all aspects
of life.
Micah (16-½) is a junior in high school. He got to travel to
Tennessee with his Ultimate Frisbee team for Lone Peak
in February and they had a great tournament. He injured himself
their big biking trip through southern Utah in June. That was a
bummer for sure because he couldn’t bike either. He had a nice
bionic brace that was a pretty penny that insurance didn’t cover so
if you need one, we have one. He also sings in choir and plays the
piano. He is the best at being disciplined and we appreciate his diligence in all aspects
of life.
Micah (16-½) is a junior in high school. He got to travel to
Tennessee with his Ultimate Frisbee team for Lone Peak
in February and they had a great tournament. He injured himself
the last day so he had to cheer on their team from the sidelines.
The team only lost one game to the number one team.
Then after a dominating spring they lost a heartbreaker in the
State Championship. He also got injured in that game and
couldn’t play which hurt the team. He was named a second team
all-state player which was a great honor for a sophomore.
He was named a captain which honor usually goes to players
who will be seniors. It’s been a challenge but he’s a good example to his team. He traveled
to Colorado in June with his team and had a blast in a tournament there and exploring
the local sites. He played on the YCC U-20 team for Utah and went to Minnesota
in August. He had a great time and they got 5th place overall which was a great finish. He’s
enjoyed the dances at school: prom in the spring and Sadie's and homecoming this fall.
He also goes on dates besides dances. He’s made some new friends and played flag football
with them and they were in the championship which they lost but c’est la vie. His mixed
(co-ed) Ultimate team won state, Lone Peak took 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th out of 16 teams!
He works as a custodian at the elementary school and it’s been a great job, and he refereed
soccer which helped him earned a lot of money for all his traveling. He worked on his Eagle
Scout project in 2017 but was finally able to finish some merit badges and do the paperwork.
He was recognized with Izak in November.
The team only lost one game to the number one team.
Then after a dominating spring they lost a heartbreaker in the
State Championship. He also got injured in that game and
couldn’t play which hurt the team. He was named a second team
all-state player which was a great honor for a sophomore.
He was named a captain which honor usually goes to players
who will be seniors. It’s been a challenge but he’s a good example to his team. He traveled
to Colorado in June with his team and had a blast in a tournament there and exploring
the local sites. He played on the YCC U-20 team for Utah and went to Minnesota
in August. He had a great time and they got 5th place overall which was a great finish. He’s
enjoyed the dances at school: prom in the spring and Sadie's and homecoming this fall.
He also goes on dates besides dances. He’s made some new friends and played flag football
with them and they were in the championship which they lost but c’est la vie. His mixed
(co-ed) Ultimate team won state, Lone Peak took 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th out of 16 teams!
He works as a custodian at the elementary school and it’s been a great job, and he refereed
soccer which helped him earned a lot of money for all his traveling. He worked on his Eagle
Scout project in 2017 but was finally able to finish some merit badges and do the paperwork.
He was recognized with Izak in November.
Izak (19-½) graduated last spring from Lone Peak high school. He was
one the captains of his Ultimate Frisbee teams. Micah played with
him. He also enjoyed traveling to Tennessee, Colorado and
Minnesota. He was named first team all state which was a
great honor. He also got injured in the State game which was a
bummer. He got a concussion so they wouldn’t let him play, that
was very disappointing especially since they were winning. He got
a job this summer at CIT electronics and has enjoyed it overall. He
will quit the middle of December as he prepares to leave. He
received his mission call to the Baltimore, Maryland mission and leaves January 9th. He was
able to go through the temple in September before his friends Blake and Jacob left on their
missions. He coached the mixed (co-ed) D team this fall which was a great experience and
he did a good job. He is a little lonely now because most of his friends have left on their
missions. Hopefully the extra time has helped better prepare him for his mission. Izak also
did his Eagle project in 2017 and with some encouragement he got the paperwork done
before he turned 18 so he could get his award. It was a great accomplishment for both him
and Micah! We are so proud of them!
Emily (21) finished out her mission strong as a Sister Training
Leader. She returned in June. She quickly got a job at Vivint which
helped her pay for her tuition. She loves BYU and is enjoying her
classes and her job there helping in the Mathematical and
one the captains of his Ultimate Frisbee teams. Micah played with
him. He also enjoyed traveling to Tennessee, Colorado and
Minnesota. He was named first team all state which was a
great honor. He also got injured in the State game which was a
bummer. He got a concussion so they wouldn’t let him play, that
was very disappointing especially since they were winning. He got
a job this summer at CIT electronics and has enjoyed it overall. He
will quit the middle of December as he prepares to leave. He
received his mission call to the Baltimore, Maryland mission and leaves January 9th. He was
able to go through the temple in September before his friends Blake and Jacob left on their
missions. He coached the mixed (co-ed) D team this fall which was a great experience and
he did a good job. He is a little lonely now because most of his friends have left on their
missions. Hopefully the extra time has helped better prepare him for his mission. Izak also
did his Eagle project in 2017 and with some encouragement he got the paperwork done
before he turned 18 so he could get his award. It was a great accomplishment for both him
and Micah! We are so proud of them!
Emily (21) finished out her mission strong as a Sister Training
Leader. She returned in June. She quickly got a job at Vivint which
helped her pay for her tuition. She loves BYU and is enjoying her
classes and her job there helping in the Mathematical and
Sciences department--she helps with marketing by helping
with events the department sponsors. She lives at home and is
saving money to go to Italy. She will be going there in the spring to
nanny”more like an English tutor since her host family has a nanny.
They will provide room & board and a stipend. She will have
some time to travel while there. She is very excited about
the possibilities! She has had a great time attending her local YSA ward. She has made
some great friends. She has also enjoyed having her cousins around from Texas
and Maryland to hang with. She made quick trips to Idaho and Colorado since she’s been
home. She is in a Jujitsu class this semester and is competing in a competition in December.
Should be entertaining!
with events the department sponsors. She lives at home and is
saving money to go to Italy. She will be going there in the spring to
nanny”more like an English tutor since her host family has a nanny.
They will provide room & board and a stipend. She will have
some time to travel while there. She is very excited about
the possibilities! She has had a great time attending her local YSA ward. She has made
some great friends. She has also enjoyed having her cousins around from Texas
and Maryland to hang with. She made quick trips to Idaho and Colorado since she’s been
home. She is in a Jujitsu class this semester and is competing in a competition in December.
Should be entertaining!

Timo (24) and his wife Megan (21) are busy with school. He
started the combined Masters/Bachelor’s Applied Stats
program which is 2 years and it’s intense. He finished up a
paid internship this summer doing stats for a company
in South Jordan. He now works at BYU doing a paid
internship with UDOT. Megan is working on her degree at
BYU which is Conservation and Biology. It is also intense.
She works as a TA. They were able to travel to Texas twice last fall, once to see Megan’s
sister graduate from Air Force Boot Camp and another time to visit the people and see
places Timo served his mission. They also did some camping at various places this year.
Taran (25-1/2) went to school full-time last winter in South Jordan. He now works at BYU doing a paid
internship with UDOT. Megan is working on her degree at
BYU which is Conservation and Biology. It is also intense.
She works as a TA. They were able to travel to Texas twice last fall, once to see Megan’s
sister graduate from Air Force Boot Camp and another time to visit the people and see
places Timo served his mission. They also did some camping at various places this year.
semester at BYU and worked full-time at NuSkin. He
continue to go this winter and still work full-time.
He’s super close to finishing.This fall his wife Lisa (26)
changed her major to graphic design at UVU. Adrian is their
distraction but what a fun distraction! They both seem
to be handling it all well. Taran continues to work on
writing music with friends. Lisa continues to be creative
making all sorts of cool things for example she made lots of macrame wall hangings and
plant hangers to sell at local farmers markets. Adrian is now 1 and has been walking for
awhile. He is busy and curious. He likes being outside. He enjoys watching G-PA (Tim) mow
and me vacuum. He loved playing in the leaves but hasn’t quite embraced the snow. I am
hoping to change that by taking him sledding!
He’s super close to finishing.This fall his wife Lisa (26)
changed her major to graphic design at UVU. Adrian is their
distraction but what a fun distraction! They both seem
to be handling it all well. Taran continues to work on
writing music with friends. Lisa continues to be creative
making all sorts of cool things for example she made lots of macrame wall hangings and
plant hangers to sell at local farmers markets. Adrian is now 1 and has been walking for
awhile. He is busy and curious. He likes being outside. He enjoys watching G-PA (Tim) mow
and me vacuum. He loved playing in the leaves but hasn’t quite embraced the snow. I am
hoping to change that by taking him sledding!
places on the West Coast. He left on my birthday and came back on our Anniversary! We missed him
but luckily nothing earth shaking happened at home while he was gone. He still works at Family Search
in the QA department he is a manager but don’t ask him to fix anything because he works on the digital
document aspect. He still plays tennis as often as possible and basketball at lunch. He stays busy going
to the kids’ various activities because he is the most supportive dad and choir practices and events. He’s
our rock and we are grateful for all he does for our family.
but luckily nothing earth shaking happened at home while he was gone. He still works at Family Search
in the QA department he is a manager but don’t ask him to fix anything because he works on the digital
document aspect. He still plays tennis as often as possible and basketball at lunch. He stays busy going
to the kids’ various activities because he is the most supportive dad and choir practices and events. He’s
our rock and we are grateful for all he does for our family.
Rachelle/me, I completed a goal I made 2 years ago, check my previous blog entry to get more detail but
I was able to climb Mount Timpanogos. I am still in awe that I did THAT! Tim and I did a lot of little hikes all
summer to get better prepared. It was fun! I stay busy with PTA at the elementary school, being secretary
in the Relief Society (the womens organization in our church), watching my grandbaby Adrian on Wednesdays,
Family History and supporting my kids in their activities. I do yoga everyday to keep my back and me
happy :).
I was able to climb Mount Timpanogos. I am still in awe that I did THAT! Tim and I did a lot of little hikes all
summer to get better prepared. It was fun! I stay busy with PTA at the elementary school, being secretary
in the Relief Society (the womens organization in our church), watching my grandbaby Adrian on Wednesdays,
Family History and supporting my kids in their activities. I do yoga everyday to keep my back and me
happy :).
Please know we have many challenges but compared to so many who have much more difficult challenges they seem insignificant but nevertheless they are significant to us. Yet some are very personal and we do not share them here so please don't compare our lives with your life. Just know we each have our own road to travel with it's hills and valleys and rivers to cross.
We have missed Tim’s dad this holiday season and at family events but you know sometimes
he feels close by. I feel my dad close by as well at important family events. I know our loved
ones, who have passed on, are near, loving and supporting us in ways we can’t understand
right now. This is all possible because of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He gave Himself so
that death isn’t the end but another transition in our life. We will be reunited with those we
love because of Him. We can feel peace and love during our challenges because of His
atonement, he literally suffered all we have suffered physical, mental, etc. He knows and
knows how to bless us. We just have to trust Him, something I am learning over and over
again. This is why we sing ”Joy to the World the Lord has come!” ans celebrate His birth
because He gives meaning to our life and our trials. If you haven’t felt Him in your life
please turn to Him in a simple prayer and He will be there. He doesn’t force but waits for
us to reach out to Him although He does send messages to us all the time that He loves us as
does His Father, our Heavenly Father. Our happiness and peace are their concern, you feel it
when you desire to help another that’s when they work through us to bless others and it’s
such a great feeling to help others. We feel loved and we feel the love they have for Heavenly
Father’s children. Please know you are loved and important to all those around you and to our
Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ! My family and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and
an amazing New Year!
he feels close by. I feel my dad close by as well at important family events. I know our loved
ones, who have passed on, are near, loving and supporting us in ways we can’t understand
right now. This is all possible because of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He gave Himself so
that death isn’t the end but another transition in our life. We will be reunited with those we
love because of Him. We can feel peace and love during our challenges because of His
atonement, he literally suffered all we have suffered physical, mental, etc. He knows and
knows how to bless us. We just have to trust Him, something I am learning over and over
again. This is why we sing ”Joy to the World the Lord has come!” ans celebrate His birth
because He gives meaning to our life and our trials. If you haven’t felt Him in your life
please turn to Him in a simple prayer and He will be there. He doesn’t force but waits for
us to reach out to Him although He does send messages to us all the time that He loves us as
does His Father, our Heavenly Father. Our happiness and peace are their concern, you feel it
when you desire to help another that’s when they work through us to bless others and it’s
such a great feeling to help others. We feel loved and we feel the love they have for Heavenly
Father’s children. Please know you are loved and important to all those around you and to our
Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ! My family and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and
an amazing New Year!
Love, Rachelle and Tim and the yips
PS If you are dying for more pictures check out my Instagram or Facebook.
PS If you are dying for more pictures check out my Instagram or Facebook.