It was a lot of fun and still left us enough time for Tim to give the younger kids a Father's blessing. He had done the 4 oldest Sunday night.
Tuesday was our first day of school for all the kids but Taran.
Gwen is still in preschool but she actually started that day too, which was nice. I took her and then her friend Luke's mom, Tricia, picked them up and she stayed the day. All the kids seemed to like their classes that first day. Meanwhile I went to the temple, went shopping, exercised and did stuff for scouts. Taran worked a full day then started packing his stuff into the big van. Tim helped him take out the van benches so they could try to fit his roommate Scott's big screen TV in it--didn't fit! So we helped him pack his stuff in after the kids were in bed. Because it was Taran's 'last night' with us I made salmon and a special dinner. Unfortunately we didn't all eat together since Micah had soccer practice at 4 PM until 5:30 PM he ate and then we ran to Pack Meeting. Izak had soccer practice 5-6:30 PM!
Timo had 'Junior Jam at a park they painted each other and had food starting at 5 PM. So much for some last family togetherness! He liked dinner and we got him ready to move out!
Wednesday Gwen had preschool again but we didn't do any playdate that day. I mowed while she was gone. Tim drove the van to work with all of Taran's stuff. Then at lunch he went to my mom's where he met up with Taran. He took him to his apartment/dorm from there. They got his computer (he is renting one), books and his all-sports pass. Then Tim came home. We went to Walmart and got some things he needed power strip, flash drive...then took those and some food that needed to stay refrigerated until we could get it to him (butter, cheese, eggs...) I got a photo of him with 2 of his roommates Nic and Austin from Springville, Utah. He has one from Oregon and one from Brigham City, Utah...of course Scott is from Cedar Hills. After Tim got the computer set up we went to the Creamery for ice cream and to buy some milk. Then we said good bye. I got teary of course but Gwen, Izak and Emily cried, a lot. Taran had some internet problems so Tim went back up to the dorm while I got to stay with the sobbing Gwen and other sad kids. Timo tried to reason with them--we'll see him soon, he's not that far away...Nice try. Life isn't going to be the same. Not that I don't want him to grow up and do the good things he's doing, but it is the truth, it's never the same.
Thursday I drove to preschool and Luke came home until the afternoon. I worked on moving Izak into Taran's room. I also took them to feed the ducks after lunch and then they played on the playground and sand.
Gwen is enjoying having a friend over. It was back to school night for the elementary school and Gwen had her first soccer practice. Timo took her so I could finish dinner. Tim had to take Taran his cell phone charger and a couple of other things that he forgot--I imagine we will do this a lot until he gets it all there! i had taken Micah to a friend's luckily his mom said that she could get him home if needed. Timo had also decided to ask a girl in our neighborhood to Homecoming so he was wanting help with that. I went to back to school night later than I would have liked but owell! I was just lucky Micah and Izak didn't have their normal soccer practices that night anymore! Several friends stopped to talk and ask how we were doing having sent Taran off.
Friday Gwen and I went to watch my niece Anna's baby, June. She is a cutie! I offered to watch her on Friday mornings so she could have a break. I remember how helpful that was for me as a new mom. We enjoyed it! Then we met my mom for lunch. She was getting a break herself from a friend, who is like a sister, took my dad up to Mirror Lake. She wanted to go to lunch so we went out. Meanwhile drama was brewing at the junior high and hopefully this weekend gave it a rest so we can move on! I can't go into detail but to say Why can we all just get along??? My mom had brought her portable fire pit and roasting sticks so we did hot dogs and s'mores. It was the father and sons camp out but Zane had soccer practice at 5:30 PM until 6:30 PM and the place was an hour away. Zane's game was 8:30 AM in the morning so Tim decided to stay home so I got creative. It was fun and they played SNORTA until it was time for bed. Meanwhile Timo had gone to the football game the girl replied to him, yes, with spoons and a pie! Fun times. Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of anything!
Saturday we had forgot to set the alarm to get Emily at 5:30 AM to be at church by 6 was 6:45 AM and they hadn't left! I am not sure what happened but it was a blessing! She had packed the night before so she was ready in a minute to go! They went to Manti to do baptism for the dead. One of the leaders her parents are the Pinegars (MTC) now serve in the temple as President and Matron. (Also this is Luke Gwen's friend'd grandparents). They had a great experience.
The 4 youngest had soccer games each and the ones I took won! Izak refereed after his game with a friend.
Today Timo had to be up early to get to the Developmental Center to help with church there. Tim and I went to Orem for missionary farewell for our good friends the Warrens. Ron and Tim were best friends in high school. Tim goes to lunch with him but we haven't seen their kids in awhile. He did a great job and will be a great missionary in Jacksonville Florida--Spanish. We got back just in time for our ward's sacrament meeting. I taught my class today, it was on the Crucifixion. All I can say is I did better than I did the week I taught about Gethsemane. Hopefully I am not too distracting but it is such a tender thing for me. I tried to show a video I found and downloadedfrom here. Watch it, it's simple and good! But I couldn't find it on Tim's computer. Taran got ordained an Elder today. We didn't find out for sure until last night so we didn't tell everyone in the family.
Gwen made this yesterday when she was suppose to be cleaning--clever! Her temple!:)
Timo and Emily had a stake fireside at 5 PM so they didn't get to eat until after it. Timo just taught on the atonement why it was necessary. He is preparing to teach a man who is getting re-baptized in a couple of weeks. Taran and his friend already did it last week. They loved it! What a great opportunity for them to feel that spirit of missionary work in their life hopefully they will continue to desire to serve. Taran has already started on his papers for his mission--they fill info online and the bishop said that he could go ahead and do that. He can be done and turn them in in December! Crazy! His friend Tyler is suppose to get his call Tuesday so Taran will be back up here for that!
Have a great week! The last week of August! Fall is coming!