Okay, I finally after about 4 different tries I got this slideshow put together. It's a combo of old photos I tried to put in a slideshow before and what we've been doing lately.
The last week of school Zane had preschool at the Children's Discovery Gardens at Thanksgiving Point. That is always fun because the siblings and parents can come. Then he had preschool graduation and Dad and Granny came for it. It was very cute.
Our neighborhood had it's annual schools out party... blown up waterslides, lunch and Taran and his band played. It was a fun party!
Izak had friends over for a lateover they played games and watched Sandlot. They seemed to have fun.
Saturday was Erika, our niece, her graduation party. Great food and fun! Cousins, grandparents and aunts and uncles made for great memories! We also had a fun Louw BBQ later for May birthdays.
Summer break: Timo had a lacrosse camp he attended, he had a great experience and now has some custom gear in the Lone Peak High School colors. Emily did the lone Peak girls basketball camp and had an enjoyable time as well. Izak has been doing a tennis camp this week and he has learned a lot. It's been fun to watch him!
Emily also has had a lot of parties with friends from school. She went to the movie 'Race to Witch Mountain" with her best friend cousin Maddie. They both really liked it.
We've been to the Bean Museum, made t-shirts, visited grandparents, did watercolors, Taran and Timo had youth conference and had a great experience there. Micah had a lateover with some of his friends too.
Tim and I went to a Chico reunion--people from the Chico Area who have moved to Utah. It's organized by Steve and Connie Nelson. It was a lot of fun even though we only caught the end of it.
We hoped to take the kids swimming but it's rained almost everyday and even the days it hasn't haven't felt warm enough. People's lawns are growing mushrooms, here in the desert! It's kept the temperatures in the 70s which has been really nice. It will sprinkle some days and clear up and rain hard later so the kids get outside when it clears for a little.
Our scouts had a district camp out, the other lady and I are not allowed to spend the night so we had a lot of dads volunteer to help us out and the other lady's husband who is part of our 11 yr old scout team. Love doing the scout thing! We are going hiking next week! Taran and Timo don't join in much only on Family Night and Sundays. Taran and the band are playing in our city's Family Festival battle of the bands this Saturday--sure hope this has a better ending than the last battle of the bands! Timo is helping coach a lacrosse team with his friends for a younger friend. Taran & Timo go to Walmart way too much! Emily too! (I thought I'd better be fair).
Micah and Izak's baseball seasons are over and they both had a great experiences.
Izak went to day camp and had a great time.
Our van has been acting weird so we are working on getting it fixed, our computer needs some fixing, our fan in our bathroom just died and our ac/heater doesn't work but we haven't felt urgent since the weather has been so pleasant. We have other fix it things like the back door trim painted, etc. Plus Tim finally got the drip system hooked up to the lines so can start planting in our yard--he also spent a week getting dirt into the planting areas. I can finally use the gift certificates my friends gave me last year for my birthday to our local nursery--I can get 2 trees and 6 bushes! YEAH! I am the luckiest person!
So we have had plenty to keep us busy already and we look forward to more fun days ahead. And I know I am forgetting some other things we have done but I am sure you can pass! Hope you are having a great summer!
PS I hope the slideshow works, the sound on this computer isn't working and it's slow to watch the slideshow--I don't even know what the music sounds like! Hahaha.