SO here are my photos--Tim putting the star on our living room tree--the only decorations on this tree but the lights. Our basement tree finished and Gwen and Micah decorating the tree. The photo of Gwen alone is when she was so excited to get the ornaments on the tree but Tim hadn't finished the lights yet! The photo overlapping the tree is of our mantle in our basement.
The life and times of our family as we face the ups and downs sometimes muddling is all we can do, and that is okay!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas . . .
SO here are my photos--Tim putting the star on our living room tree--the only decorations on this tree but the lights. Our basement tree finished and Gwen and Micah decorating the tree. The photo of Gwen alone is when she was so excited to get the ornaments on the tree but Tim hadn't finished the lights yet! The photo overlapping the tree is of our mantle in our basement.
It's Beginning to Sound and Look A Lot Like Christmas . . .
So I can finally play Christmas music without getting a crusty from my teenagers! YEAH! You see my husband is a Christmas music fiend and well, I've joined in. He'd start playing Christmas music as soon as the leaves turn in the fall but the kids, humbug! We did dabble in it during October. Then a little more in November. I couldn't resist once we got a few new Christmas CDs. Well, we bought the new MOTAB with the King's Singers--it is AMAZING!!!! It's a must have! Then we got onto Wal Mart--Tim prefers since he doesn't have an Ipod. We listened to Josh Groban and the New Harry Connick and we liked about 10 songs between us so we just bought the whole albums! So, anyway it's cool though because you can listen and buy just what you like if you are picky about your Christmas music! If you are needing more music ideas we also love: Jewel, Amy Grant (all), Harry Connick Jr. (all), Eclipse, Voice Male (both), BNL--they have a few Jewish songs that are cute even though we aren't Jewish, Kenny G, Take 6, Peter, Paul and Mary and Kurt Bestor. I actually had Tim make me a playlist for my blog but our new internet filter won't let it work! If you have any favorites share them!
Tim put up our lights on the house this week and the trees today! Poor Tim spent probably 4 hours fixing burned out lights!!! The kids lost interest in decorating the tree after a bit, Gwen of course, has been enthusiastic about the whole thing this week! She helped put decorations on the bottom of the tree! We usually put up a little tree in each of the kids bedrooms but I decided not this year. Last year we spent keeping Gwen out of them all. We have a tree in our living room but I didn't want to have to deal with her undecorating it. So Tim suggested just having it up with the lights only--it's prelit. So we have the basement tree decorated. It's my fun whimsical tree. Tim has the lights flashing this year so the photos will be interesting! (Tim has my camera or I would post a photo).
We went to my brother Charl's yesterday to watch Trapped in Paradise. The little kids watched Space Chimps in the basement while the adults watched it. Tim did his best to edit it with the mute button--lots of swearing. It is really a hilarious movie otherwise with a great feel good ending! We love Christmas shows too so if you have any favorites pass those along too! We enjoy The Preacher's Wife, While You Were Sleeping, Christmas Vacation (edited) and the Miracle on 34th Street (newest version). Our kids enjoy all those old Rudolph etc. movies and the new Grinch with Jim Carrey--I like it too.
We had a gathering tonight at Tim's sister Amy's house since our nieces Anna and Erin are down from Idaho. As we arrived Gwen threw up, so Tim drove us home helped me clean her up and the car seat and then he went back--Superman, I tell you! I just love this time of year to spend extra time with family. Owell, Gwen is doing better. I only let her have ice chips, so far so good! Hopefully, we'll get over this quick!!! I know it's been going around so it's our turn!!!
So I hope you are enjoying the sights and sounds of the holiday season! There is so much to enjoy, we are so blessed!
Tim put up our lights on the house this week and the trees today! Poor Tim spent probably 4 hours fixing burned out lights!!! The kids lost interest in decorating the tree after a bit, Gwen of course, has been enthusiastic about the whole thing this week! She helped put decorations on the bottom of the tree! We usually put up a little tree in each of the kids bedrooms but I decided not this year. Last year we spent keeping Gwen out of them all. We have a tree in our living room but I didn't want to have to deal with her undecorating it. So Tim suggested just having it up with the lights only--it's prelit. So we have the basement tree decorated. It's my fun whimsical tree. Tim has the lights flashing this year so the photos will be interesting! (Tim has my camera or I would post a photo).
We went to my brother Charl's yesterday to watch Trapped in Paradise. The little kids watched Space Chimps in the basement while the adults watched it. Tim did his best to edit it with the mute button--lots of swearing. It is really a hilarious movie otherwise with a great feel good ending! We love Christmas shows too so if you have any favorites pass those along too! We enjoy The Preacher's Wife, While You Were Sleeping, Christmas Vacation (edited) and the Miracle on 34th Street (newest version). Our kids enjoy all those old Rudolph etc. movies and the new Grinch with Jim Carrey--I like it too.
We had a gathering tonight at Tim's sister Amy's house since our nieces Anna and Erin are down from Idaho. As we arrived Gwen threw up, so Tim drove us home helped me clean her up and the car seat and then he went back--Superman, I tell you! I just love this time of year to spend extra time with family. Owell, Gwen is doing better. I only let her have ice chips, so far so good! Hopefully, we'll get over this quick!!! I know it's been going around so it's our turn!!!
So I hope you are enjoying the sights and sounds of the holiday season! There is so much to enjoy, we are so blessed!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I just took these photos of our day so far. Gwen is watching the parade and Tim and the big boys just got back from the annual Turkey Bowl. It's a tradition Tim started in this neighborhood when we first moved up here. The men and kids get together and play football. It can be rough at times but they seem to have a good time! My other kids are at my sister-in-law Amy's--we haven't heard from them so we think they are having fun still! I am going to pop my smoked turkey in the oven soon (it's already cooked) and maybe get dressed now that it's almost noon! Later we'll head to my mom's and Tim's parents will join us there. We are looking forward to a yummy, fun and relaxing dinner! We'll see how relaxing with kids! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Say Thanks to Our Troops!
Hey fellow Americans! A friend of mine sent me this link. It's fast, easy and it's the right thing to do! Spread the word!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Grateful For Our Country
I remember as a child feeling choked up as the flag would pass in a parade, or singing the Star Spangled Banner. I am not sure how my love for this land came about, I don't really remember any special lessons on patriotism in our home. Maybe it was just that my parents knew this land was set apart for a great purpose. And that underlying principle was taught in how they spoke and the respect they showed to law enforcement and military. My father is a naturalized citizen from South Africa. He can tell you first hand how different this country is from his homeland. He grew up thinking he could aspire to be what his father was: a worker on the mine. When he immigrated to Canada and then was able to attend BYU he began to feel for the first time he could be whatever it was he wanted if he worked hard enough. He had no money; someone helped him get to BYU. He worked as a janitor at BYU for years and in the summer he worked in Canada. Just before he graduated he met my mom and they were married just after graduation. He became a citizen a few years later. I remember how happy he felt then. I did not get to go since it was during school and a couple hours away where he was sworn in. But I went to my brother-in-law, Juan's, ceremony. It was very moving.
I know we are not perfect, I especially feel we take for granted what we have. But I know that a lot of good has come from this country to help others throughout the world be free or have a better chance at it.
We must be worthy of this freedom and we must teach our children what it means to be free. It means we are responsible, we work hard, we help others in need and we follow basic principles of goodness taught from the Bible, from God. Yes we have freedom of religion but that does not mean freedom from religion. What do I mean? I mean that our nation is based on the premise that we will be faithful to God whatever way we worship Him. Because He is the protector of our freedom. He is the reason we live and breathe. When we take His eternal truths out of our lives we invite chaos, anarchy and hedonism. He is the way the truth and the life, and when we give our lives to live as He would have us we really are free! So God Bless America, my home sweet home.

This is a photo I took shortly after 9/11. My daughter Emily is four in the photo. I love this photo because it depicts the hope I have for her future and our country. I found this photo the other day when I was looking for some other photos. That was a difficult time, a different time in history. As we face sobering times now we must remember we can do this--TOGETHER. Especially if one of us is God.
I know we are not perfect, I especially feel we take for granted what we have. But I know that a lot of good has come from this country to help others throughout the world be free or have a better chance at it.
We must be worthy of this freedom and we must teach our children what it means to be free. It means we are responsible, we work hard, we help others in need and we follow basic principles of goodness taught from the Bible, from God. Yes we have freedom of religion but that does not mean freedom from religion. What do I mean? I mean that our nation is based on the premise that we will be faithful to God whatever way we worship Him. Because He is the protector of our freedom. He is the reason we live and breathe. When we take His eternal truths out of our lives we invite chaos, anarchy and hedonism. He is the way the truth and the life, and when we give our lives to live as He would have us we really are free! So God Bless America, my home sweet home.
This is a photo I took shortly after 9/11. My daughter Emily is four in the photo. I love this photo because it depicts the hope I have for her future and our country. I found this photo the other day when I was looking for some other photos. That was a difficult time, a different time in history. As we face sobering times now we must remember we can do this--TOGETHER. Especially if one of us is God.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy 5th Birthday Zane!!
So it's late but the computer has been busy by others all day. Zane is boy number 5 and child number 6. His birth story wasn't quite as crazy as Timo's but he ended up staying an extra day because they thought he had an infection. We came home on Thanksgiving Day, such a blessing. It was a difficult experience because he was always hooked up to stuff and it made it hard to nurse him which made him fussy. I remember a nurse saying,"He's such a fussy baby." And I thought, but didn't say until I was fed up, "maybe if I could hold him more and stuff he wouldn't be that way." Whenever Tim or I held him his monitors were fine. HMMMMM. I remember my sister visiting me every night which was so nice because I was lonely without a baby to hold all the time and Tim gone to take care of our other kids. My parents were on their mission so they weren't around. Tim's parents helped us out a lot too.
But maybe he was grumpy not fussy because we call him our grumpy old man! But he can be so very sweet as well. It took me a year to recover from his birth, I was weak and got every illness that came around. But he has endured my physical ailments well and he call me Mama. So Gwen calls me Mama. No one else calls me mama. I find it very tender--it probably would have bugged me had my older kids called me that when they were little. So now he's 5 and he loves so many things. Superheroes, Cars, Dinosaurs, Stuffed Animals, Riding Bikes, Sports, Drawing and spelling. He can spell pretty good. Writing is another story.
So today he had crepes for breakfast(thanks Tim), preschool, he dressed like a Native American and they had a feast. He took Zingers to share and his assigned cranberry jelly. He had fun. He played with his friends Katie and Sarah (twins) for awhile. Then later Tim and I took him and Izak, Micah and Gwen to the Dinosaur Museum. They had a blast. We had pizza for dinner, cake and ice cream then played (his choice) Sardines for family night. It was a fun day!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Photo 2008 Year in Review
Mind you I realized I missed some days! It's been quite the thing! And it's not really fancy. Of course the last part of November and all of December aren't on this but I thought I'd try it. I hope it's not too long to enjoy!
PS There wasn't a good free choice for music so there is none--turn your own on!
PS There wasn't a good free choice for music so there is none--turn your own on!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Friday, November 21, 2008
What happened to my dots?????
I am really bummed. My dots are gone, even changed to dark dots and they don't show up! Owell.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Grateful For Friends
I feel somewhat hypocritical writing about this since I don't feel like I act grateful! I have always been blessed with good friends from as long as I can remember. I was going to go through the ones that stick out most in my mind but it was getting a little bit too lengthy so I deleted it! My point in writing this is to say that there are so many wonderful people every where! And that's why I feel so guilty. I get caught up in my bubble of a life and I lose touch. I think of these people who have touched my life. Each one so talented and amazing in their own way! I am soooo grateful. They all have lifted me up whether they knew it or not. They all have strengthened my belief in the goodness of people that through them God has blessed and continues to bless my life. These last 2 months with my back injury people have brought meals and watched my kids, taken my kids places, organized fun things for them, painted Gwen's birthday present (a table & chairs), brought me treats, books, movies, called me, visited me and listened to me (I didn't realize how out of touch I felt). I know others prayed for me and that helped me too. I am so blessed to have so many good people in my life. I hope I can do better. I do appreciate all of the great people in my life!!!
I wish I could post all the photos I have but I am having a hard time finding them all so I'll just post these--so if you are my friend and don't see your picture please don't take it personal. Maybe you are grateful! Send me an updated photo and I'll post it!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Happy 14th Birthday Timo!!!
So my mom and I were reminiscing about Timo's birth! It was a crazy morning. Tim called my mom at about 4:30 AM I had been laboring an hour--at first I thought my back was hurt! HA! So when my mom arrived she said, "You need to get to the hospital NOW!" I said,"No!" Why? Well, my first labor was 22 hours, so far I'd only been in labor 2 hours, there is no way this baby was coming NOW! Tim finally sided with my mom. Tim got his sister Shellie (we were living in their basement at the time) and my mom drove us. It was a half an hour drive on ice, I was hysterically in pain in the back seat no seat belt, Tim was trying to massage my lower back that was killing but it didn't seem to matter. When we got to the off ramp, Tim and my mom couldn't decide which way to go to the hospital. So I yelled, "That way!" and pointed--me who never knows where I am! Once we got there I didn't speak a word, I was in a zone. I told the nurse to ask my husband. Anyway, after realizing I didn't need to go to the bathroom, they checked me, and my bag broke and there was his head! He had meconium so they cleaned him out before I pushed his body out. A respiratory therapist came in and double checked him. So he was born about 15 minutes after we got there!!! WOW! It was crazy!
It seems like yesterday yet today he is 14. These teenage years go very quickly which I think is a curse and a blessing! Timo is turning into a pretty good young man. He has many talents and skills and he's pretty good at helping out. When I ponder on his life I get a big lump in my throat, and wonder if I have done enough. Thankfully, I get a sweet feeling that heaven is watching over him as well to make up for my mistakes.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Pajama Day!
Today was Pajama Day at the elementary school. Why in November? I always wonder why not in September in Utah. Owell, I guess this is the only week that could be dedicated to Red Ribbon Week. If you don't know about it, Red Ribbon Week is the Just Say No to Drugs! Week. So what do pajamas and drugs have to do with each other? I always wonder that too but the flier said, "Don't be up in the night! Just say no to drugs!" I think it's a bit of a stretch but it still has a good message. Luckily, today was a beautiful fall day to say no to drugs!!!
Grateful for Tradtions
When I was kid we didn't have a lot as far as material things go but I do remember special traditions we had around the holidays and other traditions (like my mom telling me she loved me everyday--even when I was a teenager!) . And not just Christmas either. Traditions can be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly things not just for holidays. So naturally I have tried to implement traditions that are meaningful into our family. One important thing I have learned over time is to be flexible. Yes, traditions need to be consistent to be traditions but if it's more stress than joy it's not worth doing this year or ever, depending on the tradition. The years I have a new baby or this year with my back I scale back, and my kids usually understand and I think (or hope) they see it as compassionate. People are more important than keeping a tradition at all costs. When we have these 'crisis' we try and include the kids in the planning of the holiday--what tradition do you really want to do this year. This helps them feel a part of the process and ownership in the family.
It was Micah's turn for our Family Home Evening Activity--he taught the devotional yesterday on being thankful. When I asked him what he wanted to do tonight he said that he thought we should make turkey cookies. So with my mom's help I whipped up a batch of sugar cookies. We painted them, water and egg whites plus food coloring. (We have paint brushes set aside just for this in the cupboard and to avoid mixing colors we have brushes assigned to the different colors). This is a tradition we got from Tim's family, only they paint Christmas cookies. We have that as our tradition too but incorporated it into the painting of the turkey (and leaf) cookies! Everyone enjoyed themselves, even the teenagers. They turned out really cute, I am not sure my photos do them justice! We usually print out a Thanksgiving picture (cornucopia, pilgrim, turkey, etc.) for each person on cardstock and have everyone write what they are thankful for on it. I save these for our scrapbooks. It is fun to read over time! We may do it still. There is time. Anyway, traditions help families bond by feeling consistency which builds trust,and having fun builds the emotional savings for later. So let the laundry go for a day and create a tradition or revive one, your kids will thank you!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Grateful For Freedom
Okay, you probably were expecting me to write about our country, etc. Maybe another day. But I am actually writing about driving. I actually hate driving but in our area buses aren't too convenient or I'd opt for that mode myself. Friday I started driving again! I haven't been driving because I have been on painkillers that have inhibited my ability to drive and I don't want to get picked up for a DUI. So I have been at the mercy of Tim, my Mom and friends to get me around. I took my kids a couple of places Friday and then Saturday I went shopping. It was so pleasant I didn't even notice any bad drivers--common here. But the other good thing is that I am getting better!!!! I have been exercising more (my elliptical) and doing some back strengthening exercises. I feel pretty good with just Tylenol and Ibuprofen. I just got sick of the painkillers and decided to try it on my own. I have been cutting back on my pain meds all a long so it wasn't super drastic. I have to admit I still have limitations but I am so grateful to be able to be more myself--that kind of freedom is priceless!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Grateful for my Testimony

So this probably should have been my first grateful post. I have been reading the October 2008 General Conference talks (see if you are not LDS for an explanation) and that always brings the spirit into my life in a more powerful way. Translation, more peace, more happiness. I am so grateful for as long as I can remember I have known I can pray to a loving Heavenly Father and that my prayers would be answered. For as long as I can remember I have felt the power of his son Jesus Christ in my life. I knew he paid for my mistakes and that he felt my heartaches and understood me like no one else. I have rarely felt alone because I have always had this comforting knowledge, my testimony. But as we get older we find that we know more and come to rely less on our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. At least I know I do, I forget to include them in my struggles and I forget that they always, always without fail, come through for me and usually in ways more than I deserve! So as I get older and wiser I am coming to trust in them again as I did as a child and I am strengthened. I know that I still must do my part, but they will comfort and guide me through the Holy Ghost if I am willing to listen to them. In these uncertain times in our nation and world I find it extremely comforting that they are in charge and that as the apostle Paul wrote, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God ... and If God be for us , who can be against us?" Romans 8:28 & 31. It doesn't mean it will be easy but that it will be possible for us to have joy and peace even when there is chaos around us! I am grateful for the scriptures (The Bible, the Book of Mormon and other modern scripture) which also give me the same comfort and guidance since they are the words of God. If you don't feel that way, pray for the knowledge of God and his son and the Holy Ghost will come to you IF you really want to know. I am grateful for living prophets. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we believe that there are living prophets and apostles like Paul today. The words of the living prophets also comfort and guide me. I feel great hope because of their words that they receive from God and his son. So I will end with a quote from one of the living prophets,
"Hope is a gift of the Spirit. It is a hope that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the power of His Resurrection, we shall be raised unto life eternal and this because of our faith in the Savior. This kind of hope is both a principle of promise as well as a commandment, and, as with all commandments, we have the responsibility to make it an active part of our lives and overcome the temptation to lose hope. Hope in our Heavenly Father’s merciful plan of happiness leads to peace, mercy, rejoicing, and gladness. The hope of salvation is like a protective helmet; it is the foundation of our faith and an anchor to our souls." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (to read the talk go to,5232,23-1-947-7,00.html )
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Grateful For Utah
Okay, it's a common fact that people who live in Utah, native or transplant, GRIPE about Utah. I think I've only met one person who actually has said, "I love Utah!" I know we have Californians griping about Utah right now but I woke up to this beautiful sight and thought, "I love Utah." Yes, we have weird things like crick instead of creek and we don't (at least here in Utah County) trick-or-treat on Sunday but notice we do trick-or-treat. We have our prescription drug abusers, our unethical politicians, idiot drivers, and inversions but we have good things too. Like the teacher who is collecting Pennies for Peace, the club at the high school that raises money for Operation Smile, teenagers who weed the widows' yards instead of sleeping in in the summer, and the mountains. Yes, the mountains. Their beauty compares to the ocean I miss. It keeps me content that I can see them outside my window and I can picnic or snowshoe up there. So gripe all you want, go back to where you came from if you HATE it soo much. But I am grateful I live in Utah.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Grateful For Family
I know we all say it but I REALLY feel it! I am so grateful for my husband, he is fun, funny, SUPER patient, loving, smart and did I write patient? I love my kids, all seven of them! I've heard people say, I don't think I could love more than one child or whatever number. It doesn't mean I love what they are doing every minute of the day. I feel very inadequate in my loving of them. But when I ponder on the many joys they have given me over the years I am grateful they are mine! I read or hear how many teenagers can be difficult. Mine can be but it's over piano, Eagle Scout projects, chores, messy rooms and picking on siblings not drugs, and other things (yet). I know it could be worse and it could GET worse so I am grateful and praying they stay difficult in their own ways that I can barely handle! I tell them how grateful I am that they are good students in every way and that they have good friends.
I am grateful for my parents who are also VERY patient with me. They let me be my quirky self and let me learn on my own to trust them and I am grateful for their love, help and guidance. I am grateful for my in-laws who are also VERY patient--must be where Tim gets it from! They are not the typical in-law stereotype that is portrayed in the media. I am grateful for my siblings, we had so much fun growing up with air bands, wiffle ball, UNO on road trips... I am grateful for all my sister & brother in-laws and nieces and nephews. I enjoy all the family gatherings and all the love shared because of the great people involved! I miss those who live far away and feel so blessed for the other family members who live close by. I know that because of them my family is happier and healthier in many ways.
Maybe because of my recent surgery I am more sensitive to my gratitude of my family for the prayers, thoughts and help to me and my family. I really appreciate the goodness of my family--we aren't perfect but trying hard to do our best and help each other! I feel I have especially benefited from family close by since we have 2 sets of grandparents here and now all my siblings and their families and a couple of Tim's siblings close by. My children have something I never really knew growing up in California far from family. The upside is we had great friends who became family to us. We have great friends here too but today I felt like expressing my gratitude for my family!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Awesome Website
So we've been hearing a lot about the gay community lashing out at Mormons in California. It's true that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints took a strong stand to support Proposition 8. Many people in our church don't understand why and there are plenty of people who don't know why it matters. I really liked how this was approached, so if you are wondering, check it out! Thanks to Pikes Pickles who shared it on their blog! Tim figured out how I messed up the link!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Roadshow Pics
Last BYU home game
Tim's one thing he does for himself is buy season tickets to BYU football. I have friends whose husbands spend a lot of money on hobbies like hunting, or cars or ATVs and such. So I am grateful his hobby is relatively cheap and he doesn't leave me alone for 2 weeks tracking a special buck to . . .kill, of all things! Anyway, he takes the kids, a nice one-on-one. I usually go to one game (I have a hard time giving up 6 hours on Saturday but I do listen to it all), I was planning on going to the San Diego St. game last Saturday, the last home game but I realized that I am not quite up for that yet. So Tim took Micah. He's been wanting to go but Tim is hesitant since our other kids have lacked longevity at this age for the whole game-Tim doesn't leave early! But he needed to get home early for the Stake Roadshow since he was on the tech crew so it was a great fit for him and Micah to go. They had fun and to top it off BYU won! A nice end to the home season!
This is a photo of Emily and her friends before my mom and sister-in-law Amber took them to see High School Musical 3, the movie. Emily wasn't due for a big party (next year on the 12th b-day)and with my back and all I wasn't doing it either. But we have let her do something special with friends, more than we should partly because she is way outnumbered and picked on in this testosterone home! So I told her she could have her bff cousin and her bff (both of the same name) go to the movie with granny (mind you we figured out granny could do it the day before the big release). Well, Emily has a big heart and didn't want to leave out her next door neighbor bff. Since we didn't find out until 10 PM and Emily was asleep that that the next door bff couldn't go we had to wait to ask another friend at school--we'd already bought the tickets. So she asks one friend who says she can't then she asks another friend and she says she can. The first friend comes back and says I actually can come. So totally distraught she comes home crying, what am I going to do??????? We made sure both girls could go and bought one more ticket online--there actually was one! So a small thing turned into to more but they had fun and said that it was the best HSM. Did that make sense???
Yummy Thought!
Here I am with an edible bouquet my sister-in-law Liz sent me the day after my operation! It was so fun to get and we loved it. I have to admit that I ate most of it but the kids and I finished off in a couple of hours after they got home from school. So if you ever wonder if this would be a good idea for someone, I say it was a delicious idea!
Flag Football Boys
Taran, Timo and Izak all played flag football this fall. Here they are in their t-shirts. I was unable to go to their games because of my back so no team photo--I don't know why the league didn't do it. Tim doesn't like me burdening him with that kind of responsibility so just an individual photo this year, muddling through! Cute boys and they had a blast!
Amber's birthday
Friday, November 7, 2008
Fun Website
My cousin Hiedi is a graphic designer and shared this fun website. I printed out our whole family--everyone's colorstrology. I would have to say it's amazingly accurate in the personality part--I don't think Timo and Zane would think their reds are what would make them feel their best though! Tim didn't like his but I think the personality part was true. Anyway here it is: Sorry it won't link--I am so technology challenged! Have fun anyway!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
T'dye 4
Hey, just a plug for my cousin Jennifer's tie die party business. She is a stay-at-home mom who, like her whole family, is very creative! As you can see she sent me the cutest onesie for Gwen when she was a baby (not the best photo of her).
This is a great party idea--I hope we can swing it for Emily's 12th birthday next year! Her website is t' She lives in Orem now, not St. George.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election Recovery
I think I have recovered from yesterday. I am not depressed. Disappointed yes. It's not that I was a die hard John McCain supporter--I didn't even have a sign. But I just think our nation is heading in a dangerous direction and I am not sure Obama is the one that will correct our course, I'm not sure McCain was either. But raising taxes has only proven to stifle our economy, decreasing our military has only proven us to be more vulnerable and less prepared, and with his party owning the majority we are set up to be the Jimmy Carter II era.
I know with all my heart I know that God loves us and that we need to pray for our leaders, and our citizens. As citizens we need to be responsible for our actions and our lives. We can not demand that others (the government)take care of our problems and expect that to help us. We need to work hard together to find creative solutions that are lasting and effective not a bailout that is certain to back fire. I know we have painful times ahead, but I know we can trust God to help us. He will help us if we are humble and obedient. I love the line in the children's Primary song, "in this there is safety and peace." Okay, I feel a lot better, thanks for letting me blog about my thoughts!
I know with all my heart I know that God loves us and that we need to pray for our leaders, and our citizens. As citizens we need to be responsible for our actions and our lives. We can not demand that others (the government)take care of our problems and expect that to help us. We need to work hard together to find creative solutions that are lasting and effective not a bailout that is certain to back fire. I know we have painful times ahead, but I know we can trust God to help us. He will help us if we are humble and obedient. I love the line in the children's Primary song, "in this there is safety and peace." Okay, I feel a lot better, thanks for letting me blog about my thoughts!
Movie Reviews
Tim got me a few movies to watch while I am recuperating. Becoming Jane, this was a pretty good movie overall. I give it a 4 out of 5. If you are a Jane Austen fan then you would like it--it's about her. I guess it's based on a rumored romance, the guy names his first daughter Jane so it must be true, right? It's hard to know a lot about Jane's personal life since her sister burned her letters after her death. The Forbidden Kingdom, a kung fu movie with Jackie Chan and Jet Li. It's based on an Asian fairy tale about the immortals and the monkey king--famous in China. An American kid gets sent there to help the monkey king. It's an entertaining show, our kids loved it. It's not intense, mostly comical but it does stimulate the male martial arts gene afterward. Warning there is some use of the sh word in the beginning but once that passes I think it is fine--watch it first if you want to be sure--we did then Tim muted it (it's the bully at the beginning). I give it 3 stars. The last movie he got was the new Indiana Jones. It was definitely not as good as 1 or 3 but it was still entertaining and as far as I can remember it was clean. Tim saw it with his work last summer so none of the rest of us had seen it. I also give it 3 stars. Last night I watched Amazing Grace. We own it, it is a must own movie!!! I give it 5 plus stars! The story is fabulous and the acting equal to it. It is a period piece about William Wilberforce the British abolitionist--anti-slavery. The name is given for the hymn written by his pastor John Newton a repented/converted slave trader. I know I have written about this before in emails but I thought I'd post it so more people can support this awesome movie! I've watched it before but I wanted to watched it again, it is a great true story! Rent it or buy it!!!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Photos
So I missed Spooky Tales while I was in the hospital but our friends did it anyway and Tim took the kids. They had a lot of fun so I am grateful for good friends! We've had a lot of help this week so I can lay low, not bend twist or lift but I need to move around. So far so good, I am just sick of the painkillers--I am foggy enough with out them! Tim took the kids to work for trick-or-treating and then we met at my mom's and saw my brother Charl's kids--I will show those pics later. Tim took these pics before school and preschool so in the event they did not totally survive the day we had some documentation! Gwen started out as a fairy (with her magical cat) and ended up a lamb, she's 2 enough said! We headed over to Tim's parents' for dinner and met up with his sisters and their families. It was chaotic Halloween fun! I will add the group photo later since I don't know where my camera is to download the photos. BTW The teenagers did their own thing since they can't trick-or-treat at Tim's work anymore, it sounds like they had fun.
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